PT PLN (Persero) - Recruitment PLN D3/D4/S1 February 2012

PT PLN (Persero) - Recruitment PLN D3/D4/S1 February 2012 PT PLN (Persero) - PLN  is the Indonesian largest government-owned electr...

PT PLN (Persero) - Recruitment PLN D3/D4/S1 February 2012

PT PLN (Persero)
PT PLN (Persero) - PLN is the Indonesian largest government-owned electricity power service company. The Company based in Jakarta and operated 48 business units and 11 subsidiaries company in all over Indonesia. Based on PLN Annual Reports 2010, PT PLN (Persero) achieved electricity production of 16,786.21 GWh, an increase from 156,797.25 GWh in 2009, and electricity sales of 147,279.47 GWh, also increased from 134,581.98 GWh in 2009. As of year-end 2010, PLN served 42,435,387 customers in all over Indonesia, increased from 40,117,685 customers in 2009. Also in 2010, PLN recoreded 3,184 potential new human resources were recruited. Overall, the 2010 recruitment process had 32,646 participants and 11.06% of them passed the selection.

In line with its positive growth, currently PT PLN (Persero) invites the potential candidates to join as following positions:

Recruitment PLN D3/D4/S1 February 2012

  • Male
  • Not married and willing not married during education
  • Passed S1/D4 and D3 with the age limit as below:
  1. S1/D4: Birth year 1986 and thereafter
  2. D3: Birth year 1988 and thereafter
  • Height min 155cm
  • Max minus 4 Glasses
For further detail position available, job requirements and how to apply, please refer official source from PT PLN (Persero) on following link below. Closing date 22February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.


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