Lowongan PT Danareksa (Persero) - Management Trainee, Human Resources Officer

PT Danareksa (Persero) - Management Trainee, Human Resources Officer PT Danareksa (Persero)  - Danareksa is a pioneering Indones...

PT Danareksa (Persero) - Management Trainee, Human Resources Officer

PT Danareksa (Persero) - Danareksa is a pioneering Indonesian financial institution and was the first to introduce mutual funds in Indonesia. It was also the first to launch a US Dollar-denominated fixed-income fund and promote syariah-based investments. Today, Danareksa is the only local company to offer direct market access services to clients worldwide and has grown to become the company that has underwritten the most equity and debt placements in Indonesia.

Subsequent to a corporate transformational change program begun in 2001, Danareksa has evolved into a lean and resilient entity focused on its core competencies. Having succeeded in creating a more diverse customer base, Danareksa is confident of a stable and recurring income flow for the future.

Danareksa as the largest investment company in Indonesia is a privately owned Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) with more than 34 years experience. Danareksa is an investment company that provides the best services from institutional customers to retail customers, with more than 30 branches spread across Indonesia, opening a golden opportunity to join as:

Management Trainee

To qualify, you should have a strong commitment to excellence and a great passion in volatile investment industry, a fresh graduates (or with maximum 2 years working experience), with minimum GPA of  3.25 from a reputable local and/or overseas university, with minimum TOEFL score of 550. You should also should not exceed 24 years of age for undergraduate degree (S1) and 27 for post graduate degree (S2) by Desember 31, 2011.

Human Resources Officer (Code: HRD - 2011)

  • Minimum S1 Graduate major in Psychology
  • Maximum age 28 years old
  • Minimum 2 years experience in Recruitment, Training, and Payroll
  • Able to communicate well
  • Computer literate
  • The ability to speak English is a plus
  • Customer service-oriented
Danareksa offer continuous learning experience from the best in the industry, competitive compensation benefits for accepted applicants. For MT positions, please download the MT Danareksa Application Form (dowload here) and email your completed MT Danareksa Application form only, with "MT 2012" in the subject email by October 23, 2011 to email address below. For HRD position, send your complete application and write position code (HRD-2011) as your email subject and send to email address below.

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