PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) - Recruitment Intake Sarjana S1 October 2011

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) - Recruitment Intake Sarjana S1 October 2011 PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)  is the state-owned company (B...

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) - Recruitment Intake Sarjana S1 October 2011
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) is the state-owned company (BUMN) responsible for providing postal service in Indonesia. It was established with the current structure in 1995 and now operates 11 regional divisions. Pos Indonesia operates in 11 regional divisions across the country, each covering multiple provinces. Each region operates several hundred inner city, outer city, and remote locations. There are 3,700 post offices nationwide with 3,190 post offices provide money transfer services in cooperation with Western Union.

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) business form is based on Government Regulation of Republic Indonesia No. 5 of 1995. Government Regulation provides for the transfer of an early form Pos Indonesia in the form of a public company (Perum) to a corporation (Persero). Pos Indonesia has a Constitution and Bylaws are recorded in Deed Sutjipto, S. H. No. 117 on June 20, 1995, which also has undergone changes as recorded in Deed Sutjipto, S. H. Number 89 on September 21, 1998 and No. 111 on October 28, 1998.

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) curretntly invites highly qualified professionals to apply for the following position :

Recruitment Intake Sarjana S1 October 2011

  • Minimum bachelor degree (S-1) from accredited State Universities and Private Colleges major in Economics / Business (Management, Accounting, Business Management, and Transportation), Information Management, Engineering (Informatics, Computer, Civil , Architecture, Industry), Law, Psychology, Communication Science and Business Administration.
  • Min GPA 2.75
  • Preferred  have a minimum TOEFL score 450 and certified the year 2010-2011 should be included in the cover letter the participants.
  • Not married, except applicants who are currently employed in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) both permanent employees and contract workers and outsourcing the work.
  • Preferred for those who already have work experience or have ever worked on  institution of a work unit / Company / Institution / Office for at least 2 (two) years  evidenced by a certificate or other evidence of the institution / company concerned. Applicants from the employees of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) has a working period at least 3 (three) years
  • Maximum age 30 (thirty) years old on 31 October 2011. Applicants from employees of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) maximum 35-year-old on 31 October  2011. 
For further details requirements and how to apply, please refer Official Information on following link. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Closing date 15 October 2011.

Official Info


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