PT Bank Syariah Mandiri - Teller Recruitment February 2012

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri - Teller Recruitment February 2012 PT Bank Syariah Mandiri - PT BSM  is an Indonesian biggest Islamic bas...

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri - Teller Recruitment February 2012

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri - PT BSM is an Indonesian biggest Islamic based banking company. The Company is a part subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, the Indonesian biggest government-owned banking company.  With 99.99% total shares, Bank Mandiri became the controlling shareholders. Other shares owned by other Bank Mandiri's subsidiary; PT Mandiri Sekuritas with 0.01% shares. The Company based in Jakarta and supported by more than 630 branch office networks, spread accross 33 provinces in Indonesia. As of December 2011, The Bank supported by 13,185 human resources in all branch offices. The Bank also supported by 598 ATM Syariah Mandiri and 8,993 ATM Mandiri networks.

In line with its vision, to be the most trusted and preferred sharia bank for business partners, currently PT Bank Syariah Mandiri open vacancy to join as following positions which will be placed in Majenang Central Java area :

Teller (Code : TL)

  • Female with max age 27 years old.
  • Hold min D3 / S1 from reputable university
  • Good looking
  • Physical & Spiritual Health
  • Have a wide relationship
  • Able to work individual and with a team
  • Honest, hard workers and like challenges.
  • Computer literated
Should you interested and qualified, please submit your complete application with your recent color photograph (4x6 and full body photograph), copy of diploma, valid phone number, and other supporting document to following address below not later than 18 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Bagian SDI - PT Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Majenang
Jl. Diponegoro No. 60 Majenang Phone (0280) 623095.


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