PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) - Recruitment Management Trainee January 2012

PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) - Recruitment Management Trainee January 2012 PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) - Semen Baturaja  is one of t...

PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) - Recruitment Management Trainee January 2012

PT Semen Baturaja (Persero)
PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) - Semen Baturaja is one of the Indonesian state-owned cement based manufacturing company. The Company founded in 14 November 1974 by PT Semen Gresik with 45% shares and PT Semen Padang with 55% shares. In 1991, all shares was taken over by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The Company based in Palembang and its plants located in Baturaja, Palembang and Panjang. PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) produced portland cement type 1 with installed capacity of the Company's production of 1.25 million tons of cement per year, Baturaja 550,000 tons, 350,000 tons of Palembang Plant and Panjang plnats 350,000 tonnes. As of December 2009, the Company supported by 624 human resources spread in head office, 3 plants, and Jakarta branch office.

In line with its vision, become an efficient, competitive edge and growing cement producer, currently PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) invites the potential candidates to join as following position:

Management Trainee (MT)
SMK, D3, S1

Requirements for Graduated from Vocational School (SMK)
  • Min education SMK majoring in Electricity, Electrical / Electronics, Machinery, Chemical from state or private
  • The min average value 6.5
  • Maximum age by October 1, 2011 is 23 years old
Requirements for Graduated from Diploma 3 (D3) / Polytechnic
  • Majoring from Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering / Chemical Analyst, Electrical Engineering / Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Accounting with GPA 3.00 for PTN & 3.20 for PTS
  • Maximum age by October 1, 2011 is 26 years old
Requirements for Graduated Strata 1 (S1)
  • Majoring from Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering with min GPA 3.00 for PTN & 3.20 for PTS
  • Maximum age by October 1, 2011 is 28 years old
  • Min 2 years experienced
For further detail information please refer official source from Semen Baturaja on following link below. Online application closed on 14 January 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.


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