PLN Batam - SMK, D3, S1 Fresh Graduate Regular Program PLN Group November 2015

Bright PLN Batam / PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Batam - PLN Batam  or later known as Bright PLN Batam is a rep...

Bright PLN Batam
Bright PLN Batam /
PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Batam - PLN Batam or later known as Bright PLN Batam is a reputable company in Indonesia with core business in electricity power industry. Since its founding in 2000, Bright PLN Batam has business focus in providing electricity solutions in Batam island and its surrounding areas, including plants, transmission, distribution and customer services. PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Batam is a directly-owned subsidiary company of PT PLN (Persero), the national electricity company of Indonesia. At present, 99.99% of its shares are held by  PT PLN (Persero) and other 0.01% remaining shares was owned by YPK PLN. As of December 2014, Bright PLN Batam has 1 head office, 1 repsentative office, 1 Generation and Distribution Business Unit, 1 Distribution and Services Business Unit, 1 Infrastructure Business Unit, 7 Service Area Offices, 1 Quick Response Office and 4 Generation Offices.  Bright PLN Batam also supported by 1 subsidiary (PT Pelayanan Energi Batam, 99.99%) and 4 affiliated companies; PT Mitra Energi Batam (30%), PT Riau Power (2%), PT Dalle Energi Batam (20%), and PT TJK Power (10%).

in term of financial performance, Bright PLN Batam showed a strong performance in 2014 and recorded a growth of 16.84% in total operating revenues amounted to Rp2,583.53 billion over the previous year (Rp 2,211.10 billion in 2013). Total net profit in 2014 amounted to Rp 126.73 billion, increased by 3.33% compared to Rp118.96 billion in 2013. This figures was stated by PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Batam Annual Report 2014 as cited by

In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Batam is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities

Regular Recruitment Program PLN Batam 2015
SMK, D3, S1

Education Required
  1. SMK in Mechanical Engineering
  2. SMK in Electro Engineering.
  3. SMK in Electricity Power Installation Engineering
  4. SMK in Accounting
  5. SMK in Building Engineering.
  6. D3 Accounting/Taxation.
  7. D3/S1 Electro Engineering.
  8. D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering.
  9. D3/S1 Civil Engineering.
  10. D3/S1 Industrial Engineering.
  11. D3/S1 Chemical Engineering.
  12. D3/S1 Environmental Engineering.
  13. D3/S1 Human Resource (HR) Management.
  14. S1 Communication.
  15. S1 Law.
General Requirements
  • Single and Willing not to get married during the training period.
  • Maximum age
    • SMK : maximum age of 20 years old per 31 December 2015.
    • D3 : maximum age of 25 years old per 31 December 2015.
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old per 31 December 2015.
  • Possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4.00 grade scale (for D3/S1 Engineering) and 3.00 on a 4.00 grade scale (for D3/S1 Non Engineering).
  • Possess a minimum national exam score (SKHUN) of 6.5 (for SMK Engineering) and 7.0 (for SMK non Engineering).
  • For SMK  or equivalent must come from schools in the province of Riau Islands and listed on the Department of Education Riau Islands Province.
  • Healthy and not color blind.
  • Willing to :
    • Not demanding higher diploma equivalency of diplomas that used to follow the recruitment process at bright PLN Batam (SMK/D3/S1).
    • Willing to be placed throughout the working area bright PLN Batam (SMK/D3/S1).
    • Willing to work in shifting systems (SMK/D3/S1).
    • Not married, both documented and undocumented in government agencies during the period of education (SMK/D3/S1).
    • Not bound by official and other agencies (SMK/D3/S1).
    • Not involved with the abuse and trafficking of narcotics, drugs, and other addictive substances (SMK/D3/S1).
    • Following the recruitment process on track implementing the tenure until the age of 45 years (SMK).
For further information, please refer official source from PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional Batam on following link below. To apply for this opportunity, please submit your application by signing into LPT UI's linked erecruitment website All applications close on 7 November 2015. All required application documents All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed candidates will be notified. (Source)


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