PT Nindya Karya (Persero) - D3 Secretary of the Board of Directors Nindya Karya October 2015

PT Nindya Karya (Persero) / PT Nindya Karya (Persero) - Nindya Karya  is among the largest Indonesian state-contr...

PT Nindya Karya (Persero)
PT Nindya Karya (Persero) /
PT Nindya Karya (Persero) - Nindya Karya is among the largest Indonesian state-controlled construction company. The Company is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia. Nindya Karya was created on 1961 as Perusahaan Negara (PN) Nindya Karya and was established as a limited liability company under the name of PT Nindya Karya (Persero) in 1973. Nindya Karya is headquartered in Jakarta and now has 21 branches spread in 6 division offices across the Country. Nindya Karya also supported by 1 subsidiary company, namely PT Nindya Beton. As of December 2013, PT Nindya Karya (Persero) directly employs nearly 676 employees, including 270 permanent employees and 406 non permanent employees. PT Nindya Karya (Persero) has shown another solid performance in 2013 with a significant growth in total new contract value and net income. According to PT Nindya Karya (Persero) Annual Report 2013 as cited by, Nindya Karya registered total new contract value of Rp 3,438.58 billion, up 18.67% over the Rp 2,897.57 billion in 2012. Nindya Karya's net income grew from Rp 32.14 billion in 2012 to Rp 41.67 billion in 2013, an increase of 29.65%.

To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Nindya Karya (Persero) is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities

Sekretaris Direksi

  • Female.
  • Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Secretary with GPA ≥ 2.75.
  • Experience as a secretary.
  • Maximum age of 24 years old.
  • Mastering business correspondence in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English.
  • Mastering file storage system and organizing the business meetings.
  • Proficient knowledge in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) and Internet.
Application should contains the below documents :
  1. Application letter;
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  3. Legalized copy of academic certificate or SKL;
  4. Legalized copy of academic transcript;
  5. SKCK (can be submitted later);
  6. Copy of national identity card (KTP);
  7. Color photographs 4x6 (2 sheets).
For further information, please refer official source from PT Nindya Karya (Persero) on following link below. Should you are interested and qulaified, please send all above documents to PT Nindya Karya Cq Departemen SDM & Umum - Jl Letjen Haryono MT Kav 22 Jakarta 13630. Or can also be emailed to : with subject Nindya-Sekdir. Closing date 17 October 2015. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted. (Source)


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