Lowongan Kerja Infoglobal - Programmer

Infoglobal  develop software and hardware solutions that are product-based and project-based. Based on our experience in developing and i...

InfoglobalInfoglobal develop software and hardware solutions that are product-based and project-based. Based on our experience in developing and implementing project based various systems in the last 17 years, we finally have eminent products that are classified into some segments: Governance, Utility, Energy, Asset, Performance, and Defense. Those segments were born from long history of our well done projects. Many factors influenced us to choose those segments: awareness to get focused on fields which we are experts about, desire to have our global quality eminent products, and economics scale of each segment. Infoglobal needs young professionals who enjoy challenges in the IT world with the following qualifications:
Programmers .Net
  • Graduates D3/S1, Computer Science / Information Systems / Computer Science
  • Male / Female, age maximum 28 years
  • Familiar programming language ASP.Net / C #. Net / VB.Net
  • Have the ability in making web applications and desktop components
  • Having a high logic skills, self-motivated, creative, independent and fast learner
  • Ability to work in a team and Discipline
  • For placement of Surabaya.
Programmer Java
  • Graduates D3/S1, Computer Science / Information Systems / Computer Science
  • Male / Female, age maximum 28 years
  • Familiar Java programming language
  • Have the ability in making web applications and desktop components
  • Having a high logic skills, self-motivated, creative, independent and fast learner
  • Ability to work in a team and Discipline
  • For placement of Surabaya.
Requirements :
  • Minimum graduate SMK / D1 / D3 majoring in Computer Engineering / Information Technology / like.
  • Female, age maximum 28 years
  • Preferably have experience doing mentoring or tutorial
  • Mastering windows, networking, oracle data base.
  • Able to document a software problem
  • Have high confidence, communicative, adaptable, independent
  • For placement in Pasuruan (Bangil), Jember & Jakarta
  • Preferably based in Pasuruan / Jember / Jakarta and surrounding areas.
Send a full CV & Cover letter stating your position to address:
Jl. Sriwijaya No.36 Surabaya 60265
atau email :
Before of October 4th, 2011


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