PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) - Audit Commitee, Business Risk Commitee

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) - Audit Commitee, Business Risk Commitee PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero)  -  PTPN 8  ...

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) - Audit Commitee, Business Risk Commitee

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) - PTPN 8 is a national plantations sector companies in Indonesia. The Company's business engaged in cultivating plants, processing, and selling plantation commodity such as tea, rubber, and palm as the main commodity, and also quinine and cocoa. The Company's corporate head office located in Bandung, West Java and managed 41 plantations and 1 hospital. The plantations are spread in 11 districts/cities all around West Java (Sukabumi, Bogor, Cianjur, Bandung District, West Bandung District, Bandung City, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Purwakarta, Subang, and Ciamis) and 2 districts in Banten Province (Lebak and Pandeglang).

In line with its vision, to become a leading and reliable agribusiness company that prioritizes customers and environmental concern, supported by professional human resources, currently PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) need the best candidates to join  as:
  1. Sub Komite Audit
  2. Komite Resiko Usaha
General Requirements
  • Bachelor degree in Accounting, Economic, Agriculture, Law
  • Preferably domiciled in Bandung
  • For Audit, preferably experienced as auditor min 15 years and have experience in the plantation sector auditing min 5 years
  • For Business Risk, preferably experienced in risk management min 5 years
  • Willing to work part time for 2 years
  • Willing to do and accomplish the tasks of auditing and risk management from board commissioners  of PTPN VIII (Persero), including the assignment to the field
For further detail information about jobs requirements and how to apply, please refer official source from PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero) on following link below. Closing date 20 April 2012 (Post Stamps). Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Official Source


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