PT Krakatau Posco - Recruitment Management Trainee Program 2012

PT Krakatau Posco - Recruitment Management Trainee Program 2012 PT Krakatau Posco - PT KP  is one of the largest steelmaker manufac...

PT Krakatau Posco - Recruitment Management Trainee Program 2012

PT Krakatau Posco - PT KP is one of the largest steelmaker manufacturing in Indonesia. The Company is a joint venture company between PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk, the Indonesian largest state-owned steel manufacturing company with Posco, the 3rd largest steel manufacturing company in the world from Korea. The Company based in Cilegon, Banten.  The Company produced Slab, Plate, and Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) with capacity of 3 million tons/year in the first stage. 

In line with its vision, become competitive, cooperative and contributive integrated steel mill, currently PT Krakatau Posco invites the potential candidates to join as position below :

Management Trainee Program

General Requirements:
  • Bachelor / Academy graduates (D3/S1) majoring Mechanical Engineering (M), Chemical Engineering / Science (M),  Electrical / Instrument / Electronic (M), Metallurgy (M), Industrial Engineering (M/F), Transportation Management (M/F), Environmental Engineering (M), IT/IS (M/F), Management (M/F), Psychology (M/F), Marketing (M/F)
  • Maximum 25 years old for S1 and 23 years old for D3
  • GPA/IPK : 2.85 out of 4.00 scale
  • Minimum TOEFL score 475
  • Hard worker, creative, initiative and able to interact with other team effectively
  • Work location is in Cilegon, Banten Province
Note : M for Male, F for Female

Should you interested and qualified, please refer official source from Krakatau Posco on following link below to apply online not later than 19 February 2012.Only suitable candidates will be notified.
Official Source


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