Pelindo 3 (Persero) - Recruitment Calon Pandu Pelindo 3 April 2012

Pelindo 3 (Persero) - Recruitment Calon Pandu Pelindo 3 April 2012 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) - Pelindo 3  is one of th...

Pelindo 3 (Persero) - Recruitment Calon Pandu Pelindo 3 April 2012

Pelindo 3
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) - Pelindo 3 is one of the Indonesian biggest national ports operator services companies. The Company's corporate head quarter located in Surabaya  - East Java and managed public ports in 7 (seven) regions covering the province of East Java, Centra Java, Bali, Kalimantan (South and Central Kalimantan), West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. Pelindo 3 established in 1960 and currently operated 40 port branches and supported by 6 subsidiaries company. The Company has a key role to ensure continuity and smooth sea transport. Backed by adequate sea transportation infrastucture, Pelindo 3 can boost and stimulate state's economy and society.

In line with its vision, to become excellent port player, committed to drive integrated national logistic, currently PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) invites the best candidates to join as following position :

Calon Pandu

  • WNI
  • Have a marine certificate min ANT-III
  • Has a BST AFF and SCRB certificate
  • Experience as a captain with the display min 3 years
  • Male or Female
  • Maximum age per 1 June 2012 = 40 years old
  • Min height 160 cm
  • Physically and mentally healthy, not wearing glasses or soft lens and not color blind
    For further detail informations about job requirements and how to apply, please refer official source from Pelindo 3 on following link below. Closing date 5 May 2012. Only short-listed canidates will be notified.
    Official Source


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