Lowongan Indonesian Air Force - Recruitment Tamtama Paskhas TNI AU October 2011

Indonesian Air Force - Recruitment Tamtama Paskhas TNI AU October 2011 Indonesian Air Force  - The history begins with the birth ...

Indonesian Air Force - Recruitment Tamtama Paskhas TNI AU October 2011

Paskhas TNI AU
Indonesian Air Force - The history begins with the birth of the Air Force establishment of People's Security Agency or Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR) on the date August 23, 1945, to strengthen its air fleet which was then desperately short of aircraft and other facilities. In line with its development turned into a People's Security Army or Tentara Kemanan Rakyat (TKR), on October 5, 1945 with the name of the flight service TKR under Air Commodore Soerjadi Soerjadarma.

On January 23, 1946 TKR increased again to TRI, as a continuation of the development of the Air Force shoots, then on April 9, 1946, TRI flight service abolished and replaced with the Air Force of the Republic of Indonesia, is now commemorated as the day of birth of the Air Force which was unveiled simultaneously with the establishment Indonesia National Army (TNI).

Korps Pasukan Khas TNI Angkatan Udara (Korpaskhasau) is owned by the TNI-AU. Paskhas a ground combat unit capable of three dimensions: sea, land, air. In operation, the duties and responsibilities Paskhas more intended to seize and maintain air base from enemy attack, to further prepare for the landing of aircraft comrades. This capability is called Operasi Pembentukan dan Pengoperasian Pangkalan Udara Depan (OP3UD).

Indonesian Air Force currently open recruitment for Indonesian youth people to join as :

Tamtama Paskhas TNI AU 2011

  • Male, WNI, faithful and devoted to God Almighty
  • At least 18 years old and maximum of 22 years old at the time of the opening of education.
  • Well-behaved, physically and mentally healthy
  • Education minimal Junior High School (SLTP)
  • Never married
  • Minimum height 165 cm
  • Willing execute a bond for 7 years
  • Willing to be placed throughout the territory of Indonesia
  • Approved by parent / guardian
  • Must undergo and pass inspection / testing
For further detail requirements and to apply as Prajurit Tamtama Paskhas TNI AU 2011, please refer official info on following link. Closing date 31 October 2011.


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