Recruitment Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) Tahap 5 October 2011
Recruitment Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) Tahap 5 October 2011 Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) or Lembaga Penjam...
In order to improve organizational performance, today LPS requires candidates who qualified, credible, accountable and have high integrity and commitment to occupy the following positions:
- Senior Officer Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Kinerja Lembaga (SO-PEKL) - Divisi Akuntansi dan Anggaran
- Officer Evaluasi Kinerja Lembaga (O-EKL) - Divisi Akuntansi dan Anggaran
- Minimal Bachelor degree (S1) with minimum GPA 2.75 (scale 4.0); from State Universities, Private Universities that have been accredited and Foreign Universities must be recognized by the Ministry of Education ;
- Have the background experience and / or qualification requirements of work in accordance with the position;
- Fluent in English (spoken and written);
- Maximum age as of October 31, 2011 : Senior Officer: 40 years old, Officer: 35 years old
- There was never sentenced to prison or confinement based on the decision
- The court, for committing a crime;
- Not located as caretaker / members of political parties;
- Physically healthy (physically, spiritually and not color blind).