PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia - S1 Professional Program TMMIN November 2015

Toyota Indonesia / PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia - TMMIN or Toyota Indonesia is one of ...

Toyota Indonesia
Toyota Indonesia /
PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia - TMMIN or Toyota Indonesia is one of the largest foreign investment (PMA) companies in Indonesia with core business in automotive industry. TMMIN is widley known nationwide as the largest car manufacturers in Indonesia with total installed production capacity of 250,000 units of vechile and 195,000 enginees per year. TMMIN operates primarily as a manufacturer and exporter of Toyota vehicle and its components. PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia is a local unit of Japan-based automotive giant Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC). At present, 95% of its shares are held by TMC and other 5% remaining shares PT Astra International Tbk (Astra Group), the Country's strongest business group with core business focus in automotive. Headquartered in Sunter North Jakarta, TMMIN now has 5 production plants, namely Plant 1 Karawang (production line up : Kijang Innova and Fortuner), Plant 2 Karawang (production line up : Etios Valco, Yaris, and Vios), New Engine Plant Kawarang (production line up : standard passenger car engines), Plant 1 Sunter Jakarta (engine assy), and Plant 2 Sunter Jakarta (packing center).

Achievement and performance of PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia in the first quarter of 2015 shows good results achievement. According to TMMIN's Press Release (28 April 2015) as quoted by, TMMIN announced its 30.3% export growth for Toyota Brand Completely Built Up (CBU) vehicles in the first quarter of 2015. The Company registered total CBU export of 44,000 units in the first quarter of 2015 as compared with 33,800 units CBU vehicles in the same period last year. Meanwhile, total Completely Knock Down (CKD) vehicle export in the first quarter of 2015 reached 9,740 units.

To answer the challenges of the future, PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia invites dynamic young professionals and high-power struggle to join as:

Professional (Experienced)

Professional position is available for individuals with specific skills and experience above 3 years in certain field. Opening function
  1. Manufacturing;
  2. Production Engineering;
  3. Production Control & Logistic;
  4. Purchasing, R & D;
  5. Corporate & External Affairs;
  6. Finance, HR, IT & GA;
General Requirements
  • University Graduate from related major with a Grade Point Average (GPA) > 3.00 (on a 4-point scale).
  • Experience > 3 years in related field.
  • Fluent in command English both written and spoken.
For further information, please refer official source from PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia on following link below. If you believe you have the necessary skills, qualities and experience to succeed in this position, apply in confidence by filling online application form at TMMIN Professional Program Application Form. Application valid until 31 December 2015. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted. (Source)


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