BPJS Kesehatan - Recruitment D3, S1 Fresh Graduate Program BPJS November 2015

BPJS Kesehatan / bpjs-kesehatan.go.id Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan - BPJS Kesehatan is state-owned health insurance a...

BPJS Kesehatan
BPJS Kesehatan / bpjs-kesehatan.go.id
Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan - BPJS Kesehatan is state-owned health insurance agency in Indonesia. The health insurance agency is a non profit agency in Indonesia which was founded to manage health insurance for all Indonesian Citizen (WNI). BPJS Kesehatan is owned and managed by the Indonesian government. BPJS Kesehatan was established in 31 December 2013 under Law No 24 of 2011 and officially operates on 1 January 2014. BPJS Kesehatan was formed by the Indonesian government to replace the function of PT Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia (Persero) or commonly abbreviated as ASKES, the state-owned health insurance company in Indonesia. Headquartered in Jakarta, BPJS Kesehatan now has 12 regional offices, 104 branch offices spread in all over Indonesia (as of December 2014).

Achievement and performance of BPJS Kesehatan in 2014 shows good results achievement. According to BPJS Kesehatan's latest news release as quoted by JobsCDC.com, BPJS Kesehatan registered total participants of 133.4 million people as at the end of December 2014. These total participants figures reflected an 109.72% increased from the target set in 2014 which was 121.6 millions participants.

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan) is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities

Teknologi Informasi

  • Minimum D3/S1, majoring in Informatics Engineering, Informatics Management, Information System, Computer Science, Computer Engineering.
    • PTN : minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
  • Age (per 31 December 2015)
    • D3 : maximum age of 25 years old.
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Applicants with D4 education if they pass the selection will be recognized equally D3.

  • Minimum D3/S1, majoring in Finance Management, Accounting, Taxation.
    • PTN : minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
  • Age (per 31 December 2015)
    • D3 : maximum age of 25 years old.
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Applicants with D4 education if they pass the selection will be recognized equally D3.

  • Minimum D3/S1, majoring in Economics, Public Health (other than the Department of Nutrition), Pharmaceutical, Communication, Law.
    • PTN : minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
  • Age (per 31 December 2015)
    • D3 : maximum age of 25 years old.
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Applicants with D4 education if they pass the selection will be recognized equally D3.

  • Minimum S1, majoring in Law.
    • PTN : minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
  • Maximum age of 27 years old (per 31 December 2015)
Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan

  • Minimum D3/S1, majoring in General Practitioners (Dokter Umum), Dentists (Dokter Gigi), and the Department of Nursing.
    • PTN: minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
    • Specialized doctor (General Practitioners, Dentists) : minimum GPA of 2.50 with accreditation min. C.
  • Age (per 31 December 2015)
    • D3 : maximum age of 25 years old.
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old.
    • Doctor (General Practitioners, Dentists) : maximum age of 32 years old.
  • Applicants with D4 education if they pass the selection will be recognized equally D3.

  • Minimum D3/S1, majoring in Economics, Marketing Management, Public Health, Pharmaceutical, Communication, Law.
    • PTN : minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
  • Age (per 31 December 2015)
    • D3 : maximum age of 25 years old.
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Applicants with D4 education if they pass the selection will be recognized equally D3.

  • Minimum D3, majoring in Commerce Administration, Office Administration, Secretary.
    • PTN : minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
  • Maximum age of 25 years old (per 31 December 2015)
  • Applicants with D4 education if they pass the selection will be recognized equally D3.
Umum (General Affair)

  • Minimum D3/S1, majoring in Economics, Public Health, Pharmaceuitcal, Communication and Law.
    • PTN : minimum GPA of 3.00 with accreditation min. B.
    • PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
  • Age (per 31 December 2015)
    • D3 : maximum age of 25 years old.
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old.
  • Applicants with D4 education if they pass the selection will be recognized equally D3.
Program Calon Pimpinan (CAPIM)

  • Minimum S1, majoring in Economic Accounting, Economic Management, Pharmacy (including pharmacists), Nursing (including Ners), Public Health, Communications, Law, Statistics, Information Technology, Informatics Management, Information Systems, General Practitioners, Dentists.
    • PTN/PTS : minimum GPA of 3.25 with accreditation min. A.
    • Specialized doctor (General Practitioners, Dentists) : minimum GPA of 2.75 with accreditation min. A.
  • Age (per 31 December 2015)
    • S1 : maximum age of 27 years old.
    • Doctor (General Practitioners, Dentists) : maximum age of 32 years old.
  • Minimum TOEFL score of 450.
General Requirements
  1. WNI, Male or Female;
  2. Physically and mentally healthy;
  3. Have a valid National Identity Card (KTP);
  4. Attractive and have a good communication and interpersonal skills.
  5. High integrity and initiative;
  6. Have a wide relationship / networking.
  7. Willing to be stationed in all working area of BPJS Kesehatan;
  8. Computer literate (min. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel);
  9. Never married (except doctor positions) and willing not to get married during the first 1 year;
  10. Not serving a bond with other companies / institutions;
  11. Never dishonorably discharged as an employee in any company / institution;
  12. Never been and / or are in the process of court or involved in legal proceedings.
For further information, please refer official source from PPM Manajemen on following link below. If you are interested and competent in accordance with the requirements, please submit your application directly through PPM Manajemen's system at www.ppm-rekrutmen.com/BPJSKES. All applications close on 8 November 2015, 23.59 Jakarta time (Late submissions will not be considered). All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted. (Source)


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