Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia - POLRI or the Indonesian National Police is the national police department of Indonesia. ...
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia - POLRI or the Indonesian National Police is the national police department of Indonesia. POLRI is a state institution in Indonesia with main tasks to to maintain law and order, enforcing the law, providing protection, shelter and services to the public. POLRI is responsible directly under the President of Indonesia. Starting out in 1946, POLRI originated as part of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). In 1999, POLRI offically become an independent institution separated from TNI. POLRI is based Jakarta and its head office is registered at Jl Trunojoyo 3 Jakarta. POLRI now operates 31 regional police commands (Polisi Daerah or Polda) throughout Indonesia. POLRI is headed by a Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri). Comr. Gen. Badrodin Haiti was appointed by the President Joko Widodo as Acting National Police chief. As of December 2011,
POLRI is supported by 387,470 active personnels.
Due to strengthen its team, Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia is calling young smart Indonesian Citizen to seize theese career opportunities
Penerimaan AKPOL (Akademi Kepolisian) 2015
General Requirements
- Indonesian citizen (Male or Female).
- Faith and fear of God Almighty.
- Loyal to the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and UUD 1945.
- Minimum education of senior high school (SMA) or equivalent.
- Minimum age of 18 years old (when inducted into the members of POLRI).
- Physical and spiritual health (health certificate from a medical institution).
- Not been convicted for committing a crime (Police Notes/SKCK) of the local police station.
- Authoritative, honest, fair and behave beyond reproach.
- Passed education and training police officers formation.
For further information, please refer official source from Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia on following link below. If you meet all the requirements and are interested to join AKPOL POLRI, please register and submit your application through The applications must be submitted before 25 April 2015. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (