PT Aerofood Indonesia - Recruitment S1 Junior Officer June 2012

PT Aerofood Indonesia - Recruitment S1 Junior Officer June 2012  PT Aerofood Indonesia - Aerofood ACS  (Aerowisata Catering Servic...

PT Aerofood Indonesia - Recruitment S1 Junior Officer June 2012 
Aerofood ACS
PT Aerofood Indonesia - Aerofood ACS (Aerowisata Catering Services) is one of the Indonesian largest airline catering services company. The Company founded in 1974 and operated as a subsidiary of PT Aerowisata Indonesia (a subsdiary of Garuda Indonesia). The Company engaged in airline catering business and its head office based in Jakarta. The Company supported by 7 units of inflight catering facilities and serving hundreds of thousands of air passanger daily. Its inflight catering facilitied located in; Jakarta, Denpasar, Surabaya, Medan, Balikpapan, Yogyakarta, and Bandung. In 2010, the Company obtained a prestigious certificate from Royal Brunei, China Southern, and Eva Air. Aerofood ACS also obtained the certifications from the Indonesian Halal Food Authorities, ISO 9001 and ISO 22000.

To support its business growth, Aerofood ACS is looking for young energetic professionals to join as:

Junior Officer (JO)

  • Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering, Operation Management, Human Resource Management, Accounting, Marketing, and Communication Science from reputable University with minimum GPA of 3.20
  • Bachelor/Diploma Degree from Food Production and Food & Beverage from reputable Tourism & Hospitality Institute  with minimum GPA of 3.00
  • Experienced candidates maximum 2 years are welcome to apply
  • Male/Female max 27 years old
  • Have a good general knowledge, smart person, have a good life's vision, good career motivation, have an integrity in their behavior, dependable, and good either personality and interpersonal skill
  • Good in English (either spoken and written) and posses a good computer skills
  • Willing to be placed around Indonesia
For further detail information, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Interested candidates are invited to send your complete application to following address below. Only short listed applicants will be notified. All applications will be treated in strict confidential and only use for the purpose of selection.
PT Aerofood Indonesia
Aerowisata Park Jl Prof DR Seopomo 45 Tebet Jakarta 12810
Official Source


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