PT Pertamina Retail - Staff Legal Pertamina Retail Recruitment April 2012

PT Pertamina Retail - Staff Legal Pertamina Retail Recruitment April 2012 PT Pertamina Retail - Pertamina Retail  is a fast grow...

PT Pertamina Retail - Staff Legal Pertamina Retail Recruitment April 2012

Pertamina Retail
PT Pertamina Retail - Pertamina Retail is a fast growing petroleum retail companies in Indonesia. The Company operated since 1997 and is a subsidiary company of Pertamina Company Group which has business in filed of retailing pertamina products. The Company's corporate head quarter located in Jakarta and engaged in the field of retailing Pertamina's products. The main business of PT Pertamina Retail consist of managing SPBU (Gas Station) for retailing fuel for vehicles, and in business non fuel retail (NFR) such as Bright C-Store, Mini Market/cafe, LPG Shop, Car Wash, Bright Oli Mart, Lubricant, ATM etc. The Company supported by 7 regions and operated 74 SPBU (66 Pasti Pas SPBU) in all over Indonesia.

In line with its vision, become a professional, leading and self-supporting gas/fuel retail company, currently PT Pertamina Retail invite professionals to meet business goals and objectives, for the following positions:

Staff Legal

  • Male, with max age 26 years old
  • Hold min Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Law
  • Especially those who have experience in handling licensing
  • Hardworkers
For further detail requirements, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link. Should you interested, please send your complete application to email address : Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview
Official Source


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