PT Elnusa Tbk - D3, S1 Operation Maintenance Engineer, Engineering Estimator Elnusa April 2015

PT Elnusa Tbk - Elnusa  is a trusted and reliable public listed company in Indonesia that runs oil and gas Industry. Elnusa concentrate...

PT Elnusa Tbk
PT Elnusa Tbk - Elnusa is a trusted and reliable public listed company in Indonesia that runs oil and gas Industry. Elnusa concentrates its business activities in oil and gas upstream services, including geophysical data services, oil and gas drilling services, oilfield services, and other supporting business. The Company been listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) since 2008 with stock code of "ELSA". Elnusa is a member of PT Pertamina (Persero), the national oil company of Indonesia. Elnusa was 41.10% owned by PT Pertamina (Persero) as of 31 December 2014. Other remaining stakes in Elnusa was owned by Pertamina Pension Fund (17.81%) and public (41.08%). Headquartered in Jakarta, Elnusa now has 2 divisions (Geoscience Services Division and Drilling & Oilfield services division) and 2 branches at Balikpapan and Cirebon. Elnusa also supported by 8 subsidiaries, namely PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi, PT Patra Nusa Data, PT Sigma Cipta Utama, PT Elnusa Petrofin, PT Elnusa Trans Samudera, PT Elnusa Geosains Indonesia, PT Elnusa Oilfield Services and PT Elnusa Patra Ritel (98%). PT Elnusa Tbk has recorded a good performance in 2014. According to Elnusa Annual Report 2014 as cited by, total operating revenues recorded as Rp 4.2 trillion, 2.7% increased compared with last year's performance of Rp 4.1 trillion. Total net profit continue to grow by 73.2% to Rp412.4 billion from Rp238.1 billion in 2013.

In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, PT Elnusa Tbk invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows

Operation Maintenance Engineer

  • Minimum Bachelor (S1) holder in Engineering with spesification Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Physic, Industrial Engineering.
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in similar position at oil and gas or EPC industry will be an advantage.
  • Familiar with supporting software or program, such as Microsoft Office especially MS Excel, MS Project or equivalent.
  • Have supporting certifications will be highly prioritized.
  • Possess excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skills.
Engineering Estimator

  • Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Mehanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in similar position at EPC company is mandatory.
  • Able to create BQ/MTO, material list database, sourcing vendor and material/
  • Possess excellent negotiation skill.
  • Have supporting certifications will be highly prioritized.
For further information, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Should you interested and believe you have the required and knowledge to undertake these roles, please apply directly through Operation Maintenance Engineer - Engineering Estimator. Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses. (Source)


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