PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk - Samudera Management Development Program Finance

PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk - Samudera Management Development Program Finance PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk - Samudera  is a leading carg...

PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk - Samudera Management Development Program Finance

PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk
PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk - Samudera is a leading cargo and transportation company in Indonesia and Asia. The Company engaged in the provision of cargo transportation and logistics services. The Company served both domestic and international customers. The Company based in Jakarta and listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange (now IDX) in 1999. Samudera in 2007 and 2008 awarded as the best domestic logistic provider from Asean & Logistics Award (2007 & 2008). As of year end 2010, the Company supported more than 4,000 qualified staff and operated 50 subsidiary companies, 40 branch offices in all major ports of Indonesia and Asia.

In line with the Company's growth, PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk currently invites young and high caliber candidates to join as

Samudera Management Development Program - Finance (SMDP – FINANCE)

  • Minimum S1 of Accounting from a reputable university
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00
  • Age of maximum 27 years old
  • Fluency in oral and written English (or equal to TOEFL of minimum 500)
  • Excellent analytical, problem solving and communication skills
  • Demonstrate a strong drive for success and quality leadership potential
  • Willing to be posted in any region in Indonesia or overseas
For further detail information about jobs responsibilities, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Should you interested, please send your full resume to email: not later than February 20,  2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.


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