PT Aerofood Indonesia - Recruitment Aerofood ACS February 2012

PT Aerofood Indonesia - Recruitment Aerofood ACS February 2012 PT Aerofood Indonesia - Aerofood ACS  (Aerowisata Catering Services...

PT Aerofood Indonesia - Recruitment Aerofood ACS February 2012

Aerofood ACS
PT Aerofood Indonesia - Aerofood ACS (Aerowisata Catering Services) is one of the largest airline catering services company in Indonesia. The Company established in 1974 and as a subsdiary of Garuda Indonesia Group. The Company engaged in airline catering business. The Company based in Jakarta and operated 7 inflight catering facilities of various operational sizes throughout Indonesia; Jakarta, Denpasar, Surabaya, Medan, Balikpapan, Yogyakarta, and Bandung serving hundreds of thousands of air passanger daily. In 2010, the Company awarded certificate from Royal Brunei, China Southern, and Eva Air.

To support its business growth and in line with our mission to deliver 5 star service quality to its costumer, Aerofood ACS is looking for young energetic professionals to join  as:

Graduated from SMK or Hotel Academy
2 yrs exp
Production Manager (PDM)
Graduated from Hotel Academy
3 yrs exp
Cook Bakery (Cook B)
Graduated from Hotel Academy
1 year exp
Chef De Partie Pastry & Bakery (CDP)
Graduated from Hotel Academy
1 year exp
Sous Chef Hot Kitchen (SHK)
Graduated from Hotel Academy
3 yrs exp
Sous Chef Pastry & Bakery (SPB)
Graduated from Hotel Academy
3 yrs exp
Training & Development Officer (TDO)
S1 in Management, Psychology or Educational (preferably)   from reputable university
2 yrs exp
Risk Management Officer (RMO)
Diploma or S1 in Economy from reputable university
1 year exp
Customer Relation Officer (CRO)
Diploma Hospitality or other adequate institution
1 year exp
Training & Development Manager (TDM)
S1 in Management, Psychology or Educational (preferably)   from reputable university
5 yrs exp
Employee Service Manager (ESM)
S1 in Law, Management or Business Administration from reputable university
2 yrs exp
Human Capital Manager (HCM)
S1 in Psychology or Law (preferably) from reputable university
5 yrs exp
Investor Relation Manager (IRM)
S1 in Management, Public Relation, or Marketing from reputable university
2 yrs exp
Legal Manager (LM)
S1 in Law from reputable university
3 yrs exp
IT Manager (ITM)
S1 from Management Information System
3 yrs exp
Senior Internal Auditor (SIA)
S1 from Accounting & Finance
3 yrs exp
Assistant Accounting & Finance Manager (AAFM)
S1 from Accounting & Finance
3 yrs exp
Executive Manager Administration (EMA)
S1 in Business Administration or Management from reputable university, preferably in Master Degree
10 yrs exp
Senior Manager Corporate Secretary (SMCS)
S1 in Law from reputable university, preferably Master Degree.
10 yrs exp
For further detail information about jobs requirements, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Interested candidates are invited to send your CV and expected salary with Position Code within two weeks, to AEROFOOD ACS at email : Only short listed applicants will be notified. All applications will be treated in strict confidential and only use for the purpose of selection.
Official Source


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