PT Petrokimia Gresik - Recruitment Bachelor Degree (S1) February 2012

PT Petrokimia Gresik - Recruitment Bachelor Degree (S1) February 2012 PT Petrokimia Gresik - Petrokimia  is one of the Indonesian b...

PT Petrokimia Gresik - Recruitment Bachelor Degree (S1) February 2012

PT Petrokimia Gresik - Petrokimia is one of the Indonesian biggest state owned enterprise engaged in fertilizer manufacturing company. The Company is a part of subsidiary company of PT Pusri (Persero) and produced various kinds of of fertilizers, such as : Urea, ZA, SP-36, NPK Phonska, DAP, NPK Kebomas, ZK and organic fertilizer namely Petroganik. The Company also produced non fertilizer products, such as : Sulphuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia, Dry Ice, Aluminum Fluoride, Cement Retarder, etc. The Company based in Gresik and supported by 21 plants consist of 16 fertilizer plants and 5 non fertilizer plants. The Company supported by 2 subsidiaries, consist of PT Petrokimia Kayaku adn PT Petrosida Gresik.

In line with the Company's growth, currently PT Petrokimia Gresik imvites the best candidate sto join as:

Bachelor Degree (S1) Recruitment
  1. Information Engineering
  2. Material / Metallurgy
  3. Physics Engineering
  4. Industrial Engineering
  5. Boating Engineering
  6. Electrical Engineering
  7. Civil Engineering
  8. Chemical Engineering
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. K3 Engineering
  11. Law (Civil / Business)
  12. Accounting
  13. Agribusiness
  14. Agronomy
  15. Seed Technology
  16. Geology
  • WNI (Citizen of Indonesia)
  • Male or female with maximum age 25 years (born after the date of February 28, 1987)
  • Min GPA 3.00
  • Min TOEFL 475 (evidenced by a certificate)
  • Physical and Spiritual Health
  • Not color blind
  • Not tied to a bond to other agencies;
For detail information and to apply online in each positions, please refer e-recruitment PT Petrokimia Gresik which can be accessed through on following link. Closing date 26 February 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contanced.
Official Source


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