PT PANN (Persero) - Recruitment Diploma Accounting February 2012

PT PANN (Persero) - Recruitment Diploma Accounting February 2012 PT Pengembangan Armada Niaga Nasional (Persero) - PT PANN (Persero...

PT PANN (Persero) - Recruitment Diploma Accounting February 2012

PT Pengembangan Armada Niaga Nasional (Persero) - PT PANN (Persero) is a state owned enterprise (BUMN) engaged in non bank financial service company. The Company established in 1974 and focused in ship financing with the purpose of developing national shipping. In year of 1991 - 2004, the Company's business activities expanded in various types of financing and the Company name changed into PT PANN Multi Financ. The Company awarded ISO 9001:2000 Certification and reported more than 211 all types and sizes of ships financing with the cumulative investment  more than Rp8,2 billion.

Due the Company's growth, PT PANN (Persero) are seeking for best candidates to fill the vacant position with the following requirements:

Diploma Accounting

  • Male with max age 24 years old
  • Hold minimum D3 Accounting with min GPA 2.75 for PTN and 3.00 for PTS
  • Preferred Toefl certificate score > = 500
  • Willing to undergo a bond of 5 years
For detail information about jobs and document requirements, please refer official source from PT PANN (Persero) on following link below. Should you interested, please send your application to : or submit by post services to address below. All applicants will be treated confidential & only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Closing date 13 February 2012.
PT PANN (Persero)
Jl. Cikini IV No. 11 Jakarta 10330
Official Source


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