Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah Bank Mega Syariah  is one of the companies that are in the business of Para Group, which also shelters P...

Lowongan Kerja Bank Mega Syariah
Bank Mega SyariahBank Mega Syariah is one of the companies that are in the business of Para Group, which also shelters PT Bank Mega Tbk, Trans TV, Trans 7, Para Finance, Mega Life, Asuransi Umum Mega, Mega Capital, Coffee Bean, Ice Cream Baskin & Robins, Bandung Super Mall, Trans Studio and several other leading companies.
Bank Mega Syariah continues to expand developing micro financing business segment with brands MEGA PARTNER SYARIAH (M2S), operates the first time on July 8, 2008 and to date M2S has 210 branch offices with total financing disbursed nearly Rp.2 trillion and has more than 35,000 customers, and the unit will continue to grow consistently.
In the context of business development, Bank Mega Syariah open up opportunities for qualified individuals to fill positions as:
Distrik Risk Control Officer
  • Education Min S1
  • Experience as a Financial analyst / Credit Officer / Risk Control of Banking / Leasing / Finance Company
  • Have knowledge of the Micro Banking
  • Residing in Siantar, Rantau Prapat, Pekanbaru
Send an application letter and CV via e-mail / post no later than February 27, 2012, by writing the code and its placement on e-mail Subject field or the top right of the envelope,
Example: Pekanbaru - RC
PT Bank Mega Syariah
HCM Recruitmen & Learning Dept
Gd.Smesco UKM
Jl.Gatot Subroto Kav.94 Lt.14
e-mail : recruitment@bsmi.co.id
Note: Only listed candidate will be Process
Min. Qualification: Bachelor
Age: 26-35
Gender: Any
Min. Year (s) Exp: 1
Salary: N / A
Job Location: North Sumatra
Job Type: Full Time


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