Recruitment Fasilitator PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan October 2011

Recruitment Fasilitator PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan October 2011 Independent National Program for Community Empowerment Rural Areas or...

Recruitment Fasilitator PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan October 2011
Independent National Program for Community Empowerment Rural Areas or Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perdesaan (PNPM) - The National Program for Community Empowerment or is the Government of Indonesia's (GoI) flagship poverty alleviation program. PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan is now one of the world's largest community-based poverty reduction programs, implemented nationwide in over 60,000 villages. The program was launched by the President of Indonesia in 2008 and is expected to run until end of 2014.

In 2009 the Australian government announced a AUD215 million commitment over five years (2009-2014) in support of PNPM, making Australia the largest bilateral donor for the program. Australia's assistance will support improvements to overall management of the program as well as the scale up of two innovative pilot initiatives under the larger PNPM.

Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perdesaan (PNPM-MPd), open recruitment for position Fasilitator Kecamatan (FK) and Fasilitator Teknik (FT), to be assigned in the province of East Kalimantan, with the following requirements:
  1. Fasilitator Kecamatan (FK)  S-1 graduates from all majors, preferably has working experience on community empowerment at least 3 years
  2. Fasilitator Teknik (FT) S-1 graduate majoring in Civil Engineering, preferably has working experience in community development, or engineering fields at least 3 years
Foru further details information about this Job Vacancies, please refer official info below. For those who want to join please send your Application, CV, copy of diploma and transcripts to the email address: or anang For further information please contact: Wahyu (081323321263).
Recruitment Fasilitator PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan October 2011


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