Garuda Indonesia - Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (OCT 2011)

Garuda Indonesia - Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (OCT 2011) Garuda Indonesia  adopted a Human Capital Management approach which p...

Garuda Indonesia - Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (OCT 2011)
Pramugari Garuda
Garuda Indonesia adopted a Human Capital Management approach which perceives employees as assets with high levels of competitiveness. Engaged in the service industry, Garuda Indonesia acknowledges the importance of human resources in creating a strong and sustainable corporate performance. Therefore, since 2005 the Company has actively redefined its policies and human resources systems in order to be aligned with the Company's grand strategy and objectives. For Garuda Indonesia, people have always been the main priority. Employees can be viewed as human capital, implying that Garuda Indonesia's employees have knowledge, skills and potential work habits that can support the Company's productivity. In order to become valuable capital with a strong contribution to the organization, every employee has to have a healthy work spirit and hence will be competent enough for the organization.

Awarded as "The World's Most Improved Airline" and certified as a 4-Star Airline, Garuda Indonesia has been the leading airline in Indonesia and expanding throughoutlhe world. To support the company's expansion plan, we invite young and dynamic individuals to join our team as:

Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (OCT 2011)

  • Female, Indonesian citizen (WNI)
  • Single, not married
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Age 18 – 25 years old
  • Min. High School (SLTA) Graduates
  • Height min. 160 cm with proportional body weight and postures
  • Not using eyeglasses (contact lenses are allowed)
  • Excellent command in English (spoken & written)
For further detail infromation, please refer official information below. Register yourself online at e-Recruitment Garuda Indonesia on following link below. Closing date 27 October 2011. First selection test will held on 28 October 2011 at Auditorium Garuda Indonesia Training Center (GITC) Cengkareng Jakarta Barat.


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