Lowongan PT Wika Gedung Surabaya - Recruitment Engineering & Secretary October 2011

PT Wika Gedung Surabaya - Recruitment Engineering & Secretary October 2011 PT. Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung , or PT. Wika Gedun...

PT Wika Gedung Surabaya - Recruitment Engineering & Secretary October 2011

WIKA Gedung
PT. Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung, or PT. Wika Gedung, is one of the strategic business units of PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero). As a self-managed business entity, PT. Wika Gedung aims to accelerate its business growth by highlighting punctuality and efficiency in all aspects of its operation. In the future, with its growing contribution to the group, PT. Wika Gedung is projected to be one of the main backbones of Wijaya Karya Holding Company.

PT. Wika Gedung was founded on October 24, 2008, its establishment was pioneered by two stakeholders, PT. Wijaya Karya (parent company) and PT. Wika Employee Cooperatives. The foundation of PT. Wika Gedung, as a separate business unit, aimed to develop the company to be a leading specialist in the construction industry.

WIKA Gedung Surabaya requires employees who are ready to be placed in all company operations at home and abroad with qualifications :

Engineering Struktur (ES)
Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering with GPA min 2.5

Engineering Arsitektur (EA)
Bachelor degree in Architectural Engineering with GPA min 2.5

Engineering Mekanikal Elektrikal (EM)
Bachelor degree in Architectural Engineering with GPA min 2.5

Sekertaris (SEK)
Min Diploma (D3) with GPA min 3.00

Should you interested and meet the requirements above, send your complete application to following address. Closing date 1 week after this adv. Only shorlisted candidates will be notified.

PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung
Proyek Puncak Permai Apartemen Surabaya
Jl Raya Darmo Permai 3 No 62 Surabaya telp 031 7321610
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