PT Bank BNI Syariah - Financing Officer Development Program, General Banking Officer

PT Bank BNI Syariah - Financing Officer Development Program, General Banking Officer PT Bank BNI Syariah  founded in 2000 and is ba...

PT Bank BNI Syariah - Financing Officer Development Program, General Banking Officer

PT Bank BNI Syariah
PT Bank BNI Syariah founded in 2000 and is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank BNI Syariah operates as a subsidiary of PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. As new Islamic Banking in Indonesia (Spin Off from BNI on June 19, 2010), BNI Syariah try to give the best performance and service to its stake holders. PT Bank BNI Syariah provides banking services. With the number of 27 branches and 31 branch offices and 15 division at Head Office, BNI Syariah managed with a total staff of 749 persons as of June 2010, and currently had grown to 880 employees who will continue to grow in accordancewith its business development BNI Syariah.

PT Bank BNI Syariah who are developing business and network, invites you for a career and take part and raise Islamic banking industry, through:
  • Financing Officer Development Program
  • General Banking Officer
  • Male / Female, with max age 26 years old
  • Bachelor  (S1) graduate majoring in Economics, Engineering, Information Technology, Mathematics, Agriculture, Law from a leading universities, with a GPA of at least 3
  • Willing to follow a complete selection in Jakarta.
  • Willing to follow the training and bond department.
  • Willing to be placed at all branches throughout Indonesia.
For those of you who are interested & qualified above, may send a cover letter, complete CV with recent photograph via email, no later than September 29, 2011 to email address below. Write "FODP" as your email subject. Only shorlisted candidates will be notified.



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