Lowongan Kerja Ticketing Staff 2011

Lowongan Kerja Ticketing Staff 2011 Urgently required female and male workers for Ticketing Staff position on the tourism firm PT Dian Pr...

Lowongan Kerja Ticketing Staff 2011
Urgently required female and male workers for Ticketing Staff position on the tourism firm PT Dian Pramita one word Tour-Travel (DIAN TOUR) based in North Jakarta with krriteria as follows:

Women and Men, max 27 th
Unmarried status (single)
Minimal Tourism or equivalent vocational education
Mastering the field of Abacus ticketing domestic and Internatioanal / tourism
Fress Graduate, preferably experienced with certificate abacus
Mastering Ms Word, Excel and accustomed to using the internet
Attractive, creative, honest, and ready to work under pressure
Working in a Shift

Completed job application 3x4cm color passport, ID card copy, curriculum vitae, copies of the final diploma addressed to:

HRD Section
PT Dian Pramita one word
Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 52 Kebon Bawang Tanjung Priok
North Jakarta 14 320
Tel. 021-4355001, 085716154114
Fax. 021-43902300
See another job at : lowongan kerja pt garuda indonesia 2011


Lowongan Kerja PT.BEHAESTEX 2011

PT BEHAESTEX, one of the largest textile company in Indonesia with flagship product “SARUNG ATLAS” in GRESIK, Jawa Timur. currently require professional personnel to fill the position: 1. Staff Progr...

Lowongan Kerja PT.ZTE Indonesia 2011

PT. ZTE IndonesiaPT. ZTE Indonesia as subsidiary company of ZTE Corporation is one of the leading telecommunication solutionsuppliers based on China providing total solution to telecom carriersworldwi...

Penerimaan Calon Hakim dan CPNS 2010

ACCEPTANCE OF CANDIDATES FOR JUDGES AND CANDIDATE Civil Servant in RI SUPREME COURT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 2010In connection with the Letter of Minister of State for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic...

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