Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Central Asia 2011

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Central Asia 2011 PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk as the largest private bank in Indonesia has more than 20 thousand employ...

Bank Central AsiaLowongan Kerja PT Bank Central Asia 2011
PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk as the largest private bank in Indonesia has more than 20 thousand employees and more than 800 branches spread all over Indonesia and 2 representative offices abroad, namely in Hong Kong and Singapore.

BCA Development Program (BDP)

S1 or S2 degree
Minimum GPA 3.00 (of 4) for S1 and minimum GPA 3.25 (of 4) for S2
Able to communicate systematically
Good analytical capability
Highly motivated
Free from illegal drugs
Maximum age 25 years-old (for S1) and 27 years-old (for S2)
Unmarried and willing to stay unmarried during the training
Willing to be placed in all areas in Indonesia
Willing to be attached to the Company Bond after completion of training
Pass the screening
Selection will be held in Manado, Pontianak and Medan
Closing Date: 18-4-11

BCA Development Program (BDP) Account Officer


S1 or S2 degreehttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Minimum GPA 3.00 (of 4) for S1 and minimum GPA 3.25 (of 4) for S2http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Able to communicate systematicallyhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Good analytical capabilityhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Highly motivated
Free from illegal drugs
Maximum age 25 years-old (for S1) and 27 years-old (for S2)
Unmarried and willing to stay unmarried during the training
Willing to be placed in all areas in Indonesia
Willing to be attached to the Company Bond after completion of training
Pass the screening
Closing Date: 30-4-11
Should you interested please apply at links below.



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