Penerimaan Calon Hakim dan CPNS 2010

In connection with the Letter of Minister of State for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform RI on July 22, 2010 Number: 590.F/M.PAN/RB/07/2010 regarding the Approval Supplement CPNS Formation Center in 2010, the Supreme Court Justices will carry out acceptance Candidates Candidate Civil servants and Civil (CPNS) Fiscal Year 2010, is hereby submitted the following:
A. Establishment of Local Level Committee
1. Joint Committee consisting of the General Court, Military Courts and State Administrative coordinated by the High Court to accept the proposal of participants Candidate Judge General Court Judges and Judicial Candidates and Candidate TUN Civil Servants (CPNS).
2. State Administrative High Court was not justified to accept the proposal, both Court Judge Candidate or Candidate TUN Civil Servants (CPNS).
3. Military Court of Appeal is not allowed to accept an application candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS).
4. Religious High Court Committee accepting applications for prospective participants judge the Religious and Civil Servants Candidate (CPNS). Prospective participants Special Judge Candidate Religion and Civil Servants (CPNS) in Denpasar Denpasar register at the High Court.
5. Committee of the above duty to inform, organize and prepare the things that are technically among others:
a. Announcement of Candidates for admission requirements and Candidate Judges for Civil Servants (CPNS) through the notice board at the Court of Appeal across Indonesia began on October 1, 2010 and through the Internet can be accessed with site, http:// and
b. Provide facilities, infrastructure and other supporting facilities.
c. Receive file registration applications Candidate Judge (Cakim) and Candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) from 4 s / d October 6, 2010 from 08.00 till 14:00 local time
d. Granted authority to the Court of Appeal to set up a Computer Test Examiners and must conduct testing for all computers because candidates who have been determined by the central committee if the candidate has passed the new next to the Team Selection completeness requirements may file an application and determine whether or not to take the test filtering written (just get the number examinees). (Problem is the computer exam President of the Court of Appeal / High Court of Religion)
e. Reporting to the Central Committee of the Supreme Court cq Bureau of Personnel with the fax number (021) 3454429 / (021) 3453553 / (021) 3814349 / (021) 3504224 or by email: number of participants who have signed the following details based on the classification of education and proposed position.
f. The number of participants based on detailed classification and proposed position of education no later than received by the Central Committee cq Bureau of Personnel with email address on 8 October 2010 (Appendix I) along with Soft Copy List Bios Applicants (Annex II) .
g. In implementing the selection test admission Candidate Judges and Civil Servants Candidates always coordinate with the Central Committee Bureau cq Officer by phone (021) 3457661 ext. 402 or (021) 3454429 or by email
h. Prepare a list of present participants (according to the example attached).
6. The cost of the exam in the area will receive funding assistance Supreme dariMahkamah.
B. The number of formations that are available for Fiscal Year 2010 as many as 1383 people, consisting of:
1. Candidates for Judge: 205 people
2. Candidates for Civil Servants: 1178 people
3. The number of formations as much as 1383 NATIONAL these people to justice across Indonesia, with the details:
a. Cakim General Court some 100 people, with educational qualifications Bachelor of Law.
b. Cakim Religious Courts, some 75 people, with educational qualifications S1. Islamic law or S1. The law that controls the Islamic Law.
c. Candidates for State Administrative Judge (TUN) totaling 30 people, with educational qualification of Bachelor of Law.
d. Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) of 1178 people for 4 (four), environmental justice, with details of educational qualifications as follows:
1. S1 (Starata 1) number of 936 persons
2. D3 (Diploma 3) number of 312 persons
4. Formation of Candidates for Judges and Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) is not intended for Civil Servants (general applicants), and therefore for Civil Servants who will take the exam Candidates must submit the proposal Judges Decree has resigned as a civil servant from each agency, if proven to be a civil servant, then the proposal in question will not be processed.
5. Cover letter addressed to the Secretary of the Supreme Court da Jl. Medan Merdeka No.9-13 North, Central Jakarta, with a clear list of participants address along with zip code and telephone number to be contacted by attaching the registration requirements.
C. Material selection acceptance Exam Candidate Judge (Cakim) and is a candidate for Civil Servants:
1. Basic Competence Test (TKD) with the processing time for 120 minutes about worked out by all participants, the material consists of:
a. General Knowledge Test (TPU).
b. Scholastic Talent Test (TBS).
c. Test Maturity Scale (TSK)
2. Competency Test Field (TKB) with the processing time for 120 minutes matter done by all participants on the basis of educational qualifications.
3. Additional test material for Candidate Judges:
a. Knowledge of Legal Studies (Test Substance / written exams) with the processing time for 120 minutes matter.
b. Interviews (conducted after passed the written exam).
c. Psikotest (performed after passed the written exam).
d. Read the Book (for Candidate Judge Religions, held after passed the written exam).
4. Examination of selection of participants are required to bring:
a. Identification Card (ID) is still valid.
b. Number of examinees.
c. 2B pencil and sharpener.
d. Eraser.
e. Ballpoint.
f. Ruler.
g. Writing boards.
5. Clothing Selection Exam Participants:
a. For men dressed in shirt and trousers made of cloth and wear shoes.
b. For a woman dressed in a blouse and skirt / trousers made of cloth and wear shoes.
6. Exam Answer Sheet along Computers taken by the Central Committee of the Supreme Court to the Court of Appeal throughout Indonesia.
D. Implementation of Selection and Announcement of Exam Results.
1. The selection of Written Examination held on October 26, 2010.
2. Place of execution of the Written Examination Court of Appeal and High Court Religion
3. Examination results of the Written Exam Candidate Judge (Cakim) and Candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) implemented by the selection team of State Universities
4. Announcements results of written tests announced the selection of the fastest 14 days after the written test selection,
5. The announcement of the selection exams via the Internet with website addresses, and
6. Candidate For Civil Servants (CPNS), who have passed the required attach ORIGINAL Certificate of Regulated Healthy, Drug-Free Certificate from the Government Hospital, Police Notes Certificate (SKCK) from the local police, and Yellow Cards of the Department of Labour is still valid.
7. For the General Court Judge Candidates / Religion / State Administration who passed the written exam then follow Psikotest Tests, interviews and read books for Prospective Religious Court Judge, and required to bring the Drug-Free Certificate from the local Government Hospital at the time of follow Psikotest Test and Interview .
8. Implementation Psikotest, interviews and read the book (to be specified further through the website: and divided into 3 (three) areas namely:
a. Supreme Court
b. PT. In Surabaya, East Java
c. PT. South and west of Makassar
9. Candidate For Judge (Cakim) and Candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) who have passed must not resign stamped with a statement (Annex III)
Please see full announcement here: