PT Marga Mandalasakti - MT Program, Staff, Inspector Astra Group October 2015

PT Marga Mandalasakti - MMS  is an infrastructure subsidiary company of PT Astra International Tbk (Astra Group). At present, 79% of its sh...

PT Marga Mandalasakti - MMS is an infrastructure subsidiary company of PT Astra International Tbk (Astra Group). At present, 79% of its shares are held by Astra Group (through Astra's subsidiary Astratrel Nusantara), 5% by  Capital Holding Investment Ltd, and 16% remaining shares by public investors. Based in Lippo Karawaci Tangerang, PT Marga Mandalasakti is the toll-road operator of Tangerang-Merak toll road in Banten Province. The Tangerang-Merak toll road covers 72.5 kilometers and connects Tangerang and the port of Merak Banten. The toll road passes 3 cities in Banten Province, comprising Tangerang, Serang, and Cilegon. At present, the Tangerang-Merak toll has 9 toll gates. PT Marga Mandalasakti having concession right to manage Tangerang-Merak toll up until 29 November 2047. According to PT Astra International Tbk Annual Report 2014 as cited by, PT Marga Mandala Sakti registered a growth of 6% in traffic volume to reach 43 millions vehicles in 2014 from 41 million vehicles in 2013.

To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Marga Mandalasakti currently looking for talented candidates who are committed to being part of a team as:

MT Program - Operation Management Development Program (OMDP)
Management Trainee

  • Minimum S1 in Civil Engineering, Electro Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Not older than 27 years of age.
  • A minimum final GPA of 3.00 / 4.00.
  • Have experience of the organization, especially as coordinator.
Staf Akuntansi
Staf Akuntansi

  • Minimum S1 in Accounting.
  • Have experience of the organization.
  • Acknowledge in operating Microsoft Office.
  • Not older than 27 years of age.
  • Fluent knowledge of English.
Staf Engineer
Staf Engineer

  • Minimum S1 in Civil Engineering.
  • Not older than 27 years of age.
  • A minimum final GPA of 3.00 / 4.00.
  • Have a good knowledge of project management.
  • Have technical expertise in construction engineering.

  • Minimum S1 in Civil Engineering.
  • Not older than 27 years of age.
  • A minimum final GPA of 3.00 / 4.00.
  • Have a good knowledge of project management.
  • Have technical expertise in construction engineering.
For further information, please refer official source from ACC UII on following link below. If you meet the above requirements, please apply in confidence by filling online application form at Marga Mandalasakti Application Form. Application submitted latest by 31 October 2015. Application will be treated strictly confidential and only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted. (Source)


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