PT Indosat Tbk - Marketing Admin, Tower Engineer Assistant Indosat October 2015

PT Indosat Tbk / PT Indosat Tbk - Indosat  is the second largest cellular providers of Indonesia in terms of total subsc...

PT Indosat Tbk
PT Indosat Tbk /
PT Indosat Tbk - Indosat is the second largest cellular providers of Indonesia in terms of total subscribers. As at the end of June 2015, Indosat maintains 66 millions of active cellular subscribers, both prepaid and postpaid. Indosat engages in  telecommunication networks and services provider which include cellular phone, fixed data (MIDI-Multimedia, communication data and internet), and fixed telecommunication. Headquartered in Jakarta, PT Indosat Tbk is local units of Qatar-based Ooredoo Group. At present, Ooredoo Group holds 65% ownership of Indosat's shares. The remaining 35% shares in Indosat is owned by the Government of Indonesia (14.29%), Skagen AS (5.49%) and public (15.29%).

In term of financial performance, Indosat succeeded in achieving acceptable and sound growth in the second quarter of 2015 (2Q 2015, ended in June 2015). According to Indosat - Financial Statements 2Q-2015 as cited by, Indosat registered total revenue revenue of Rp 12,619.96 billion in 2Q 2015. These total revenue figures showed an increase of 8.66% from Rp 11,613.11 billion in the previous year (2Q 2014).

To assist in the growth and expansion of the company, PT Indosat Tbk requires highly qualified professionals to seize theese career opportunities

VAC5450 - Marketing Administrator - Siantar Sidempuan
Field : Sales

  • Bachelor degree (S1) in related field.
  • At least 2 years of experience in the field of sales and marketing.
  • Have a good understanding in Marketing Communication.
  • Possess excellent communication and relationship skills.
  • Placement : Pdg. Sidempuan.
VAC5464 - Tower Engineer Assistant
Field : Networks & Engineering

  • Bachelor degree (S1) in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Strong knowledge and experience in cellular site development for at least 2 years.
  • Fluent oral and writting in English.
  • Strong knowledge of site CME tower design, construction and project management.
  • Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
  • Operating knowledge of tower structural analysis software and CAD.
  • Placement : Jakarta.
For further information, please refer official source from PT Indosat Tbk on following link below. If you are interested in working at Indosat and have met the requirements as mentioned above, please register and apply directly through Indosat's e-recruitment system at VAC5450 - VAC5464. All applications will be treated confidentially. Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted. (Source)


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