PT Bank DKI – Walk in Interview D3 Fresh Graduate, Experienced Micro Sharia Bank DKI October 2015

Bank DKI / PT Bank DKI – Bank DKI  is a reputable regional development bank in Indonesia, based in Jakarta. The Ban...

Bank DKI
Bank DKI /
PT Bank DKI – Bank DKI is a reputable regional development bank in Indonesia, based in Jakarta. The Bank is owned and managed by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. At present, 99.97% of its shares are held by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and 0.03% remaining shares by PD Pasar Jaya. The Bank Commenced operations in 1961 and originally registered as PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Djakarta Raya. After several changes in name and status, the name of PT Bank DKI officially launched in 2008. In term of office networks, Bank DKI now has 226 offices/outlets and will continue to grow throughout Indonesia.

In term of financial positions, recorded a satisfiying financial result in the first semester of 2015 (1H 2015, ended in 30 June 2015). Bank DKI's 1H 2015 performance resulted in quality asset growth. As of the end of June 2015, Bank DKI's assets amounted to Rp 39.15 trillion (unaudited), up 7.46% from Rp 36.43 trillion at the end of June 2014 (audited). This figures was stated by Bank DKI in its latest financial reports (30 June 2015) as cited by

In line with its continued expansion program, PT Bank DKI is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities


  • Male/Female, with the minimum education of Diploma Degree (D3) all majors.
  • Maximum age of 35 years old.
  • Previous experience as marketing at micro banking will be highly prioritized.
  • Good looking, confident and strong communication skills.
  • Target oriented.
  • High integrity.
  • Have personal vehicle (motorcycle) and driving license class C (SIM C).
  • Placement : Micro Sharia area Jabodetabek.
Required application documents:
  1. Application letter;
  2. CV;
  3. Color photograph 4x6 (1 sheet);
  4. Copy of ID Card;
  5. Copy of diploma;
  6. Copy of transcript.
      For further information, please refer official source from PT Bank DKI on following link below. Candidates with qualifications as mentioned above, are welcome to apply for the position. To apply for, please bring all application documents along the Walk-In Interview on 17 October 2015 (09:00 - 13:00 WIB) at Bank DKI Kantor Pusat - Jl Ir H Juanda III No 7-9 Jakarta Pusat. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only selected candidates will be notified to join recruitment process. (Source)

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