PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan - Recruitment Bank Kalsel August 2012

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan - Recruitment Bank Kalsel August 2012  PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan ...

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan - Recruitment Bank Kalsel August 2012 

Bank Kalsel
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Selatan - Bank Kalsel is a reputable regional development bank in Indonesia and based in the Province of South Kalimantan. The Company was established in 25 March 1964 and its head office located in Banjarmasin. As of December 2011, Bank Kalsel supported by 13 branch offices and 9 sub branch offices. The Bank also operated 15 BPD units, 13 cash offices, 6 units of mobile cash, as well as 74 units of ATM Bank Kalsel. In 2001, the Company awarded as the Best Performace Banking 2011 in Category of BPD with assets 1 - 10 trillion rupiah from ABFI Banking Award.

In order to open branch offices of Jakarta, currently Bank Kalsel invites the best and professionals candidates to join as following positions below :
  1. Pimpinan Cabang (Code : PC)
  2. Pemimpin Seksi Pemasaran (Code : PP)
  3. Analisa Risiko Kredit (Code : ARK)
  4. Teller  (Code :  TL)
  5. Customer Service (Code : CS)
  6. Pemimpin Seksi Operasional (Code : PO)
  7. Staff Pemasaran Dana  (Code : FS)
  8. Staff  Pemasaran Kredit (Code : LS)
General Requirements
  • Male/Female, Indonesian Citizen (WNI) with max age 28 years old (ARK, TL, CS, FS, LS) and 45 years old (PC, PP, PO)
  • S1/S2 majoring in: ECONOMY (Management, Accounting, Development Studies), ENGINEERING (Civil, Industrial, Architecture, Information Technology) SOCIAL POLITICS (International Relations, Communication), ADMINISTRATION (Business / Commerce, Public Administration), COMPUTER (Computer Science), LAW, MIPA (Mathematics, Statistics), AGRICULTURE, SHARIA.
  • Minimum GPA S1 : 3.00 (PTN/PTS), S2 : 3:25 (PTN/PTS)
  • Well behaved and never commit a crime accompanied by a SKCK
  • Health body accompanied by a medical certificate.
  • Good looking and proportional of body
  • Willing to be placed in all working unit of Bank Kalsel
  • Willing to undergo a period of a bond department
  • Have a good communication skills and able to speak English, at least passive.
  • Not having family relationship with the employees of Bank Kalsel
For further detail information about job requirements in each positions above and how to apply, please refer official source from Bank Kalsel through Daya Makara UI website on following link below. Closing date 1 September 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Official Source


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