PT Pertamina Patra Niaga - Recruitment S1 Patra Niaga July 2012

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga - Recruitment S1 Patra Niaga July 2012  PT Pertamina Patra Niaga - Patra Niaga  is one of the leading do...

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga - Recruitment S1 Patra Niaga July 2012 

PT Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga - Patra Niaga is one of the leading downstream oil and gas company in Indonesia. Patra Niaga operated with main business in trading fuels and non fuels, bunkering, fuels and LPG transportation, fuel management services, fuel storage and distribution, EPC and operation maintenance. The Company formed in 1997 as PT Elnusa Harapan and renamed into current name in 2004. Patra Niaga operated as a part subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), the Indonesian largest government-owned energy company. PT Pertamina (Persero) Tbk become the majority shareholders with 99.81% total shares. Other 0.19% shares owned by PT Pertamina Tongkang. The Company based in Jakarta and supported by 3 subsidiary companies, namely; Patra Teknik, Patra Trading, Patra Logistik.

In line with its vision, become the Indonesia's forefront downstream oil and gas company based on customer Iintimacy, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga is currently looking for talented and motivated candidates to fill the following positions:
  1. HR Business Support
  2. Legal Support
  3. Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE)
  4. HR Planning & Budgeting
  5. Industrial Relation, HR Policy, Audit & Reporting
  6. BOD Support
  7. GCG
  8. Customer Relation & Distribution Channel
  9. Pricing Intelegence
General Requirements
  • Minimal S1 from reputable universities
  • Have at least 2 (two) years experience in the same field
  • Mastering in Computers (Ms Word, Excel and Powerpoint)
  • Ability to work independently, proactive, thorough and work with team
  • Have a good personality and communication skills
  • Willing to be located outside Jakarta (Balikpapan, Surabaya, Batam and Makasar)
  • Willing to travel out of town
  • Maximum age 30 years old
For further detail informations, please refer official source from CDC UGM on following link below. Should you interested and qualified, please send your comperhensive resume in detail to email address below : or and put the position code on the subject of your email. Closing date 21 July 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Official Source


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