PT Freeport Indonesia - Graduate Development Program (GDP) May 2012

PT Freeport Indonesia - Graduate Development Program (GDP) May 2012  PT Freeport Indonesia - PTFI  is one of the biggest mining c...

PT Freeport Indonesia - Graduate Development Program (GDP) May 2012 

PT Freeport Indonesia
PT Freeport Indonesia - PTFI is one of the biggest mining companies in Indonesia. The Company engaged in exploration and development, mining and milling of ore containing copper, gold and silver in the Grasberg - Papua. The Company operated as a part subsiduary company of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc (FCX), with 81,28% shares owned. Other shareholder of PTFI including the Government of Indonesia with 9,36% and PT Indocopper Investama with 9,36% shares. FCX is a leading international mining company with headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona US. Freeport Indonesia has conducted exploration in two places in Papua, consist of Erstberg mine (since 1967) and the Grasberg mine (since 1988), in Tembaga Pura, Mimika District, Papua Province.

Currently PT Freeport Indonesia are seeking talented individuals to fill the following positions:

Graduate Development Program (GDP)

  • S1/S2 majoring in Mining Engineering, Geology, Civil, Mechanical, Industrial, Geodetic, Metallurgy, Environmental, Architecture, Informatics, Chemistry, Graphic Design with minimum GPA 2.80
  • Maximum 2 years from the year of graduation (years 2010-present)
  • Maximum age 30 years old
  • Willing to be located in Papua
For further detail requirements, other available positions and how to apply, please refer official source from ITB Career center on following link. Closing date 27 May 2012. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted further.


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