PT Bank BRISyariah - Recruitment Teller, Customer Service May 2012

PT Bank BRISyariah - Recruitment Teller, Customer Service May 2012  PT Bank BRISyariah - BRISyariah  is the Indonesian third lar...

PT Bank BRISyariah - Recruitment Teller, Customer Service May 2012 

PT Bank BRISyariah - BRISyariah is the Indonesian third largest sharia banking companies. The Company operated since 2002 and as a Business Unit of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, the largest Indonesian state-owned financial company. The Bank officialy commenced its operations on 17 November 2008 following the approval of Bank Indonesia No 10/67/KEP.GBI/DpG/2008 on 16 October 2008. As of Bank BRISyariah Annual reports 2010, BRISyariah booked Rp16.22 billion as  a profit in 2009 and in 2010 the bank was able to book a profit of Rp10.95 billion with total assets at Rp6.86 trillion.

In line with its vission, become a leading modern retail bank with a variety of readly accessible financial service to suit the needs of customers, currently PT Bank BRISyariah invites the best professionals to join as following position which will placed in Cianjur Branch :


  • Male/female with maximum age 25 years old
  • Min D3 from all majors from accredited university (A and B)
  • Mastering in computer, at least MS Word and Exel
  • Good looking, representative, and proportional height and weight with ideal height 155-170 cm, and ideal body weight 45-60 kg
  • Thorough and meticulous
Customer Service

  • Male/female with maximum age 25 years old
  • Min D3 from all majors from accredited university (A and B)
  • Mastering in computer, at least MS Word and Exel
  • Good looking, representative
  • Have good communication skills
  • Good looking, representative, and proportional height and weight with ideal height 155-170 cm, and ideal body weight 45-60 kg
For further detail information about jobs responsibilities and to apply online in each position above, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Official Source


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