Bank Saudara - Relationship Officer Training Program (ROTP) Batch 2 May 2012

Bank Saudara - Relationship Officer Training Program (ROTP) Batch 2 May 2012  PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk - Bank Saudara  is...

Bank Saudara - Relationship Officer Training Program (ROTP) Batch 2 May 2012 

Bank Saudara
PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk - Bank Saudara is one of the Indonesoian fast growing private banking services companies. The Company established in 1906 and operated as a part of Medco Group with Arifin Panigoro as the majority shareholders with 54.48%. Other shares owned by public with 34.16% and PT Medco Intidinamika with 11.36%. Bank Saudara's products and services include savings and checking accounts, fixed deposits, credit loans and other banking services. The Company based in Bandung and as of year end 2011 operated 9 branch offices, 55 sub branch offices and 12 cash offices. The Bank also supported by 30 unit of ATM and one payment point. In 2011, Bank Saudara obtained an award as the Best of the Best Awards 2011 The List Top 40 Performing Small and Midsized Companies from Forbes Magazine.

Bank Saudara now opened the opportunity for the best candidates in JABAR, JABODETABEK, BANTEN, JATENG, JATIM and BALI to be able to develop a banking career as below

Relationship Officer Training Program (ROTP) - Batch 2

  • Male / Female, with maximum age 28 years old in 1 June 2012
  • Minimum D3 from all majors
  • Min 1 year experience in marketing
  • Understanding / Knowing the pension credit is a value-added
  • Computer literate min Microsoft Office
  • Ability to work in a team and a target-oriented and like tasks in the field
  • Have a good interpersonal skills, good communication and negotiation
  • Willing to take a bond and  placed in all branch offices of Bank Suadara
  • Has not and never married, and are willing to not get married for 1 (one) year
  • Passed the selection tests
For further detail information, please refer official source from JobsDB on following link below. Should you interseted and qualified, please submit your application files no later than 8 June 2012 (post stamp) to address below. Write the top right of the code on the envelope with the code (ROTP) and city / region. Example: ROTP - Badung / ROTP - Jakarta. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk
Jl. Buah Batu No. 58 Bandung
Official Source


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