PT BRI (Persero) Tbk - Teller, Customer Service, Administration, Sales Person PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Bank BRI i...
PT BRI (Persero) Tbk - Teller, Customer Service, Administration, Sales Person

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Bank BRI is the Indonesian state-owned enterprised (BUMN) engaged in commercial bank with the largest networks. BRI's head quarter located in Jakarta and in December 2010 the bank operated more than 7,004 office networks in all over Indonesia, consist of 822 Cash Offices 18 Regional Offices, 14 Regional Audit Office, 413 Branch offices, 470 sub branch offices, 822 cash offices, 4,649 unit offices and 617 Teras BRI offices. Based on BRI Annual Report 2010, BRI in 2010 recruited 1,000 prospective employees through management trainee program (Program Pengembangan Staff/PPS), 1,673 prospective employees for marketing, 9,298 outsourcing worksers, and 23 specially-hired employees. At the end of 2010, BRI total employees was 73,805, including 33,296 full-time employees, 2.441 contractual workers, and 38,068 outsourcing workers.
In line with its vision, to become a leading commercial bank that always prioritizes customer satisfaction, currently PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk provides the opportunity for potential candidates to join as position below which will work under authorized agency
Teller, Customer Service & Administrasi (FLA)
- Hold min Diploma Degree (D3) accredited A university with min GPA 2.75
- Preferably Male, single with age 20 - 25 years old
- Good communication skills
- Thorough and workmanlike
- Honest and consistent in achieved a working quality and accuracy
Sales Person Dana & Jasa (SPDJ)
- Min D3 with GPA 2.75 or SLTA with 2 years experienced in marketing
- Max age 30 years old
- Have own vehicle (motor cycle) and SIM A/C
- Willing to work with target system
General Requirements
- Computer literate (MS Office)
- Healthly
- Have a good looking and personality
- Service oriented
- Hard working
- Able to work under pressure
Placements Area : DIY, Solo, Kedu, Banyumas
Should you interested and qualified, please submit your complete application with your SKCK, full body of color photograph, 2 pieces of 4x6 color photograph through walk in interview that will held in 19 - 22 March 2012 - 09.00 am - 02.00 pm to address below. Or send by email to : Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
PT Sumber Daya Mandiri
Jl wonosari KM 6 Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta
Official Source : Kedaulatan Rakyat 17032012