PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Task Force Regional Card Center Solo

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Task Force Regional Card Center Solo PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Bank Mandiri  is the largest...

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Task Force Regional Card Center Solo

Mandiri Kartu Kredit
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - Bank Mandiri is the largest Indonesian state-owned financial company. The Company focused in banking services sector and its head office located in Jakarta. The Goverment of Republic Indonesia became the controling shareholders with 66.68% shares total shares. Based on Bank Mandiri Annual Report 2010, the Company is the leading of the credit card industry in Indonesia, particularly as regards the Visa Mandiri credit card, which occupied first position in September 2010. During 2010, the number of Bank Mandiri credit cards in circulation increased by 23% from 2009 to 1,979,883, while card receivables reached Rp3,589 billion, with additional fee-based revenuo of Rp689 billion. This growth helped increase Bank Mandiri's market share in the Credit card industry to 10.31% at the end of October 2010.

In line with its vision, to be Indonesia's most admired and progressive financial institution, currently PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk invites the best professional people to join as following positions:

Task Force Regional Card Center Solo

  • Hold min SMA/D3/S1
  • Age 18 - 35 years old
  • Have a good communication skills
  • Like a challenge
  • Honest and responsible
For further detail information, please refer official source from CDC UNS on link below. Should you interested, please submit your application directly through walk in interview that will held at following address below not later than 30 March 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Bank Mandiri Cabang Solo Sriwedari
Jl Brigjend Slamet Riyadi 294 Solo
Official Source


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