Sugar Group Companies - Sugar Group Companies Leadership Program 2012

Sugar Group Companies - Sugar Group Companies Leadership Program 2012 Sugar Group Companies - Sugar Group  is an Indonesian-based a...

Sugar Group Companies - Sugar Group Companies Leadership Program 2012

Sugar Group Companies - Sugar Group is an Indonesian-based and largest cane plantation and sugar manufacturing company. Sugar Group head quartered in Lampung Province and operated 12 branches throughout Indonesia. The Company's sugar factories are integrated with sugar plantations with totaling 94,000 hectares in Lampung. The main product of Sugar Group is Gulaku, a premium commercial sugar cane. The Company also operated 3 subsidiary companies, consist of PT Gula Putih Mataram, PT Sweet Indo Lampung, and PT Indo Lampung Perkasa.

In line with its business growth, Sugar Group Companies is currently invites the best young people, motivated and dynamic individuals to join:

Sugar Group Companies Leadership Program

The program consists of training conducted by company executives followed by assignments in company operating units.

  • Bachelor degree (S1) with GPA min 3.0 majoring from Engineering (any majors), Agriculture (any majors), Agricultural technology (any majors), MIPA (any majors)
  • Some fluency in oral and written English
  • Willingness to work in office and/ or field
Documents required: (drop when registration test )
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Certified copy of diploma and academic transcript (Applicant who has not received an official diploma may submit a certificate of completion.)
  • Copy of Government Identity Card (KTP)
  • Recent photograph  of 4 x 6 cm (2 copies)
    For further detail requirements and how to apply, please refer CDC UNS on link below. Closing date 3 March 2012. Sugar Group Companies will conduct entrance tests. The place and time for the occasion will be announced later.
    Official Source


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