PT HM Sampoerna Tbk - Recruitment 2012 Graduate Trainee Program

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk - Recruitment 2012 Graduate Trainee Program PT HM Sampoerna Tbk - Sampoerna  is one of the Indonesian biggest...

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk - Recruitment 2012 Graduate Trainee Program

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
PT HM Sampoerna Tbk - Sampoerna is one of the Indonesian biggest tobacco based manufacturing company. The Company founded in 1963 and in year-end 2009 its market shares in tobacco industry reached 29.1%. The Company based in Surabaya and its plant located in Surabaya, Pandaan, Malang and Karawang. The Company supported by  more than 28,300 human resources and operated 10 subsidiary companies. As one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonnesia, Sampoerna are committed to attracting top talent and investing in developing and rewarding its employees. As part of thet foal, each year Sampoerna recruits top university graduates into Graduate Trainee Program. The Program is designed to provide comprehensive development opportunities and build business acumen for future career success.

Sampoerna are now looking for candidates for the 2012 Graduate Trainee Program who have the following profile

2012 Graduate Trainee Program

  • A Bachelor's degree with minimum GPA of 3.00 and/or Master's degree with minimum GPA of 3.25
  • Willingg to travel and open to the possibiality of working throughout Indonesia.
  • Fluent in English will be an advantage
Should you interested and qualified, please refer official source from Sampoerna on following link below. Only qualified candidates will be selected to the next stage of selection.
Official Source


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