Bank Saudara - Recruitment Credit Analyst, Resident Auditor, Marketing Staff February 2012

Bank Saudara - Recruitment Credit Analyst, Resident Auditor, Marketing Staff February 2012 PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk - Ban...

Bank Saudara - Recruitment Credit Analyst, Resident Auditor, Marketing Staff February 2012

Bank Saudara
PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk - Bank Saudara is an Indonesia-based financial institution engaged in Banking services. The Company established since 1906 and as a part of Medco Group owned by Arifin Panigoro. The Composition of share holders of the Company are Arifin Panigoro with 54.48%, Public with 34.16% and PT Medco Intidinamika with 11.36%. The Bank's products and services include savings and checking accounts, fixed deposits, credit loans and other banking services. As of December 31, 2011, Bank Saudara based in Bandung and supported by 9 branch offices, 55 supporting branches, 12 cash offices, 30 automated teller machines (ATM) and one payment point. In 2011, Bank Saudara awarded from Forbes Magazine as the Best of the Best Awards 2011 The List Top 40 Performing Small and Midsized Companies.

Bank Saudara now opened the opportunity for the best candidates to be able to develop a banking career as below whic will be placed in Solo Branch:
  1. Analis Kredit (AK)
  2. Resident Audit (RA)
  3. Staff Marketing Kredit Komersil/UMKM (MKK)
  4. Staff Marketing Funding (MF)
  5. Staff Marketing Kredit Konsumer (MKU)
General Requirements
  • Male/Female
  • Good looking, friendly, communicative, thorough and workmanlike
  • Computer literate min MS Office
  • Have a good analytical skills & honest
  • Service oriented
  • Able to work with a team and work under pressure
  • Experienced in Bank / finance institution is a plus
Specific Requiremenrs
  • Max age 27 years old (AKR, RA), 35 years old (MKK, MF, MKU)
  • Hold min D3 in all majors with GPA min 2.75 (AKR, MKU, MF, MKK)
  • Experienced in credit analyst min 1 year (AKR)
  • Hold min S1 in Accounting from reputable university with min GPA 3.00 (RA)
  • Mastering in PSAK, PAPI, SPFAIB, Law, Taxation and statistic
  • Experienced in banking audit or public accountant firm
  • Love chalenges, target oriented and have a wide networking (MKU, MF, MKK)
  • Experienced in funding min 1 year (MF)
  • Experienced in lending min 1 year (MKK)
  • Has a consumer-based pension and experiences in the field of pension credit min 2 years
For further detail information, please refer official source from CDC UNS on following link below. Should you interseted and qualified, please submit your cover letter, CV and color photograph via express pos no later than 28 February 2012 (post stamp) to address below. Only shprt-listed candidates will be notified.

Bank Saudara - Solo Branch
Jl Ronggowarsito 53 B Keprabon Banjarsari Solo
Official Source


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