PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk - Fitter Electrical, Asst Customer Development Finance Manager

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk - Fitter Electrical, Asst Customer Development Finance Manager PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk - Unilever  is...

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk - Fitter Electrical, Asst Customer Development Finance Manager

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk - Unilever is one of the biggest foreign direct investment company in Indonesia. The Company founded in 5 December 1933 and became a leader in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. Line of business of the Company consist of manufacturing, distribution and marketing of consumer goods including detergents, shampoo, soaps, deodorants, cosmetic products, margarine, dairy based food, ice cream, tea based beverages and fruit juice. In 2010, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk launched Pure It, a safe drinking water solution that need no electricity or gas. Based on company's annual reports 2010, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk and its subsidiary reported an increase in net income of 11.3% in 2010 to Rp3.4 trillion. This was largely attributable the growth in net sales in line with an increase in sales volume.

In line with its growth, PT Uniliver Indonesia Tbk are invites the best Indonesian young people to join as :

Fitter Electrical

  • Minimum D3 Electrical Engineering with minimum GPA 2.75
  • Maximum age 28 years old
  • Willing to be placed in Cikarang Factory
  • Having good analytical skills
  • Able to work in teams
  • Communicative and have a high integrity
Asst Customer Development Finance Manager (ACDFM)

  • Willing to be placed in big cities in Indonesia
  • Willing to travel
  • Min University degree in Accounting
  • Possess good numerical analytical skills
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • IT Literate
  • Speed in responding queries from CD team
  • Working English
  • Min 1 year experience in finance and accounting area
For further detail jobs responsibilities and to apply online in each positions, please refer official source from JobsDB on following link. Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for interview


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