PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh - Recruitment Trans7 January 2012
PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh - Recruitment Trans7 January 2012 PT Duta Visual Nusantara Tivi Tujuh - TRANS7 is one of the I...
IT Support (TR7-SS)
Min. D3
Information Technology
Mutimedia (TR7-MM)
Min. D3
Information Technology
Software Developer (TR7-SDV)
Min. D3
Information Technology
Technical Support (TR7-TS)
Min. D3
Mechanical Electrical (TR7-ME)
Min. D3
Video Editor (TR7-VE)
Min. D3
All Major
Audioman (TR7-AUDIO)
Min. D3
All Major
Lighting Person (TR7-LIGHTING)
Min. D3
All Major
Legal Supervisor (LS)
Bachelor / Master degree
Have experience
Internal Audit (INT)
Bachelor degree
Have experience
Account Executive (AE)
Bachelor degree
All Major
Reporter / Presenter (REP)
Bachelor degree
All Major
Public Relations (PR)
Diploma or Bachelor degree
All Major
Procurement (PROC)
Diploma or Bachelor degree
Accounting or Financial Management
Senior Wardrobe Person (WP)
Diploma or Bachelor degree
Preferably in Fashion
Creative (CRE)
Diploma or Bachelor degree
Communication / Broadcasting / Journalistic
Assesor for Employee Assessment (ASSESOR)
Bachelor degree