PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors - Recruitment December 2011

PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors - Recruitment December 2011 PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors - PT KTB  is one of the Indonesia...

PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors - Recruitment December 2011

Mitsubishi Motors
PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors - PT KTB is one of the Indonesian-based largest automotive company. PT KTB engaged in authorized distributor for Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) and Mitsubishi FUSO Truck & Bus Corporation (MFTBC) in Indonesia. The Company founded in 1970 with the name of PT New Marwa 1970 Motors (New Marwa) and its name changed into current name in 1973. The Company based in Jakarta and operated in all over Indonesia. PT KTB shareholders consist of PT Krama Yudha, MC Automotive Holding Asia BV (100% subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan), Mitsubishi Fuso Truck & Bus Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. The Company became the Indonesian market leader in Commercial Vehicles and Light Commercial Vehicles segment. In 2010, the Company sold 106,483 all Mitsubishi units in Indonesia.

In line with the company's growth, PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors invites the best candidates to join as following positions :

Closing Date
Purchase Planning & Buyers
Strata 1
31 December 2011
Diploma 3
31 December 2011
Sales Processing
Strata 1
31 December 2011
Technical for Spare Parts
Strata 1
31 December 2011
Payment Control
Diploma 3
31 December 2011
Local Parts Development
Strata 1
31 December 2011
Plant Assembly Engineering
Strata 1
31 December 2011
Supplier Support
Diploma 3 / Strata 1
31 December 2011
Quality Control (Parts Inspection)
Diploma 3
31 December 2011

For detail requirements and how to apply, please refer official source from PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors on link below. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Official Source


lowongan kerja swasta 7992797923842599955

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