PT Darma Henwa Tbk - Recruitment Darma Henwa December 2011

PT Darma Henwa Tbk - Recruitment Darma Henwa December 2011 PT Darma Henwa Tbk - Darma Henwa  is one of the Indonesian largest integ...

PT Darma Henwa Tbk - Recruitment Darma Henwa December 2011
PT Darma Henwa Tbk
PT Darma Henwa Tbk - Darma Henwa is one of the Indonesian largest integrated mining company. The Company started from a mining service contracting firm in 1991 and now transformed into an integrated mining and energy service provider. Darma Henwa head quaryered Jakarta and operated its mining plant in Kalimantan Areas. The Company made an initial public offering in Indonesia Stock Exchange in September 2007. As of  September 2011, the Company's shareholders composition are 21.61% by Zurich Asset International Ltd, 17.68 % by Goldwave Capital, 8,05% by Quest Corp and 52.66% by public. Based on the Company annual report 2010, Darma Henwa recorded revenues amounting to USD 230.1 million, increasing by 14.2% compared to revenues in 2009 amounting to USD 201.5 million. Coal production volume increased from 5.9 million tons in 2009 to 6.9 million tons in 2010.

In line with the Company's expansion, PT Darma Henwa Tbk urgently require qualified, professional, and highly motivated candidates to join for following position:

27 Dec
5 yrs exp
27 Dec
Corporate Secretary
5 yrs exp
27 Dec
Mine Engineering Superintendent
5 yrs exp
27 Dec
Construction Superintendent
5 yrs exp
27 Dec
Mine Operation Supervisor
3 yrs exp
27 Dec
Invoice and Payment Officer (INV)
27 Dec
Head of Project Development Department (HPD)
8 yrs exp
27 Dec
Civil Engineer - Superintendent Level (CIVIL)
5 yrs exp
27 Dec
Contract Administrator (CONTRACT)
5 yrs exp
27 Dec
Finance Cost Controller (FCC)
1 year exp
27 Dec
HR Recruitment and People Development Superintendent
5 yrs exp
27 Dec
Accounting Officer
27 Dec
HSE Supervisor
2 yrs exp
27 Dec
Mine Engineer (ME)
3 yrs exp
27 Dec
Mine Engineer Superintendent (ME-SUPT)
6 yrs exp

For further detail information about job requirements, please refer official source from Jobstreet on link below. Submit your application letter complete with CV, recent photograph, phone number, actual and expected salary, and copies of academic certificate & supporting documents in PDF or MS-Word format not more than 350KB, to Pease put the position code as your email subject. Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications will be notified for further selection.
Official Source


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