PT Inco - Recruitment Junior Engineer (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil) November 2011

PT Inco - Recruitment Junior Engineer (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil) November 2011 PT Inco - PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk...

PT Inco - Recruitment Junior Engineer (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil) November 2011

PT Inco - PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk is the largest Indonesian-based nickel in matte mining producer company. The Company is fully integrated nickel mining and processing company and its plant located in Sorowako - South Sulawesi. Its entire production is sold in U.S. dollars under long-term contracts for refining in Japan. The Company listed on Indonesia Stock Exchane in 1990 with stock code IDX:INCO. Shareholders of PT Inco consist of Vale Canada limited with 58,73% total shares, Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., owned 20,09% and Public with 21,18% total shares. The Company established since 1968 and supported by 3,136 employees and 3,006 contractors. Based on INCO annual report 2010, nickel matte production was 75,989 metric tons in 2010 compared to 67,329 metric tons in 2009, a 13% increase. Nickel in matte deliveries to 75,839 metric tons in 2010 from 66,890 metric tons in 2009. PT Inco reported net earning of US$437.4 million in 2010 compared to US$170.4 million in 2009, a 157% increase year over year.

To support its business operation, PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk is looking for highly motivated and qualified professional to fill the following position:

Junior Mechanical Engineer

Position Requirements
Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Junior Electrical Engineer

Position Requirements
Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering

Junior Civil Engineer

Position Requirements
Bachelor Degree in Civil & Structural Engineering

General Requirements:
  • Graduated from leading universities in Indonesia or overseas
  • Male/Female, maximum age 28 years old
  • Min. GPA 2.85 out of 4.00
  • Experienced maximum 2 years
  • Fluent in English
  • Willing to be placed in Sorowako - South Sulawesi
Should you interested and meet the qualification above, please refer official source from Experd on link below to apply online. Closing date 18 December 2011. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Official Source


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