PT Asuransi ASEI (Persero) Bandung - Recruitment Insurance Staff November 2011

PT Asuransi ASEI (Persero) Bandung - Recruitment Insurance Staff November 2011 PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero) - Asuransi AS...

PT Asuransi ASEI (Persero) Bandung - Recruitment Insurance Staff November 2011
PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero) - Asuransi ASEI is one of the largest Indonesian state-owned insurance company. The Company established in 1983 and engaged in providing export credit insurance facility. The Company's products consist of Export Credit Insurance, Credit Insurance & Credit Guarantee, Surety Bond, and General Insurance. That products covered the exporter's and bank's risks which are payment default risk. ASEI head quartered in Jakarta and operated in all over Indonesia with 8 branch offices and 14 marketing offices. ASEI awarded ISO 9001:200 in system operating procedure and has been trusted to take part in any new business developments initiated by the well-known domestic clients.

To support the company's growth, curently PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero) invites the best individuals people to join as :

Staff Asuransi

  • Hold Bachelor Degree (S1) all majors from reputable universities with GPA min 3.00
  • Preferably has experience min 2 years in general insurance/suretyship/credit (marketing, underwriting, reinsurance, claim & subrogasi), banking and finance institution, credit analyst/marketing
  • Fresh graduate welcome to apply
  • Fluent in English both oral and written
  • Max age 35 years old
For further detail information, please refer official source from ASEI on link below. Should you interested, please send your application and CV completed with the job description for experienced applicants, color photograph dan related document (copy of ID Card, copy of academic transcrtipt and diploma, other related documents) to following address. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

SDM PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero)
Gdg Menara BRI Lt 6 Jl Asia Afrika 57 - 59 Bandung 40111
Official Source


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